Chult Day 9 - Dino Race, Meet A Merchant Prince, Ambush!
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Day 9 - Dino Race, Meet A Merchant Prince, Ambush!


Main Events
• Fang Wins the Blood Race!!! • The Guardians of the Gate Discover Rainbow Tej • The Guardians of the Gate Explore the Red BazarZhanthi Merchant Prince of Gems, Jewellery, Cloth and Armour Rewards FangZhanthi Hires the Guardians to Investigate the The Flaming Fist (Investigate the Flaming Fist and connections with Pirates) and her son, ShagoAmbush in the AlleyKailyn Tharamor Collects his “Trophies”

Blood Race! Fang wins the dino race against all odds. Owner of the dino is Ortimay Swift and Dark. -Otemay offers Fang free passage on the Brazen Pegasus anytime (currently docked in the harbour) Grigg is the first mate.   Invite to Zhanthi Merchant Prince of Gems, Jewellery, Cloth and Armour palace as prize that Night  

The Festival of Feathers

  Yesne Brightstar asks for a colourful drink at the Red Bazar is Ja'Derema - he gives us rainbow Tej (25gp for 3). Makes you feel positive. Promise to tell everyone about it as given such a good deal (should be 25gp for 1).   Karyn Lorretta - owns a clothing shop in the Red Bazar. Bargained her for free clothes in return for 15% off from Merchant Prince for 1 year. Fang chooses a Cloud Spider Silk dress   Borius Maino - Body Piercer at the Red Bazar.  

The Evening Meal

  Meet Zhanthi Merchant Prince of Gems, Jewellery, Cloth and Armour, gives a prize of ancient native armour to Fang.   Flask of Wine and River Mist are both leaving as they enter.   Zhanthi has heard of people getting sick. We told her about Inete's vision, she said 'interesting' has heard of the Red Robes - some of the Red Wizards of Thay being in the city - possibly a worry. Known to seek magical power to go up in society - at any cost. Highest ranking in search of becoming Liches. Have shaven heads and covered in tattoos.   Zhanthi's son Shago is at Fort Beluarian, would like us to deliver a message and take some actions. He's supposed to be reporting back about the flaming fists. Suspicious of Blaze Liara Portyr but Shago, has been sending back very little useful info. Wants us to inform Shago she is not happy and find evidence of things going on - doesn't wish to accuse without evidence but believes there is something relating to priates. Pirate attacks are increasing and their knowledge of departing and arriving ships is uncanny.     Late in the evening, leave Zhanthi's to return to the Thundering Lizard, all except Kailyn Tharamor get drunk on the way home.    
Attack in the alley
  2 humanoids with slight serpent like features   3 humans with Blue Triangle tattoos   1 Humanoid poison archer stood in the shadows far back that escaped.   Kailyn Tharamor and Fang return after Bjorn Lovehammer and Yesne Brightstar have gone to bed. Kailyn Tharamor removes the skin with the tattoo (to keep).