Chult Watch out for Mist!
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Watch out for Mist!

24/6 100:00

• The Guardians of the Gate head to Orolunga  • Fang walks into blue tinged mist • We fight some apes • We get some coconut bombsElonast frightens Nisus Ben-Har

The night passes peacefully and the party wakes refreshed. It is raining heavily. Yesne can smell something mingling through the humidity. Smells like cooking meat. Yesne leaves the building and can see to the South, the Aldani Basin, it is covered with cascading rainbows. Summerstrider Bron and Autumnreaver Harnt are cooking several large cylinders of meat. It’s a giant python that they killed in the night. Yesne shouts everyone to come up and see the rainbows and get some food. Nisus Ben-Har, seeing the rain starts to try and rub off the grime/blood etc. from the past week or so. Fang hands him a bar of soap and Bjorn Lovehammer manages to create a makeshift ‘shower’. Fang asks Autumnreaver Harnt how to sign Thank you so that she can thank Summerstrider Bron for the delicious breakfast. Fang asks Autumnreaver Harnt for some guidance/help to detect foodstuffs which are edible in the jungle.   Kailyn Tharamor and Fang have a look from the top of a ruin to see if they can find a watchtower. They do manage to spot it to the NE side of the village.   Yesne sees Summerstrider Bron and just feels like she is at home and safe with her. She goes and sits next to her. She knows she doesn’t need to say anything to her she just rests on her. Summerstrider Bron puts her arm around Yesnes and at this point Yesne Brightstar realises it’s not raining on her anymore. She feels a funny tingling in her mind and allows it to flow through her. Inside my mind in a voice she’s never heard ‘you are an interesting soul’   Fang, Kailyn Tharamor and Autumnreaver Harnt head towards the watchtower and climb. Kailyn scans the horizon and he sees the top of a black volcanic ziggarut, Orolunga . It is West from here, it is quite close to the Mistcliff mountains. Kailyn locates it on the map. As he is watching, he sees a huge fork of lightning which appears to have a hazy purple afterglow.   The party decide to head towards Orolunga . They ask Autumnreaver Harnt and Summerstrider Bron to join them but they have decided to stay in the area. Kailyn mentions to Summerstrider Bron and Autumnreaver Harnt that he found a note about Concerns at Mbala. It was the Hag (Nanny Pu'pu) that was her concern.   Yesne hugs Harnt and Bron goodbye they say they will look after Inete and ask her to stay there until we return. Bron and Harnt come together, Bron begins to gesture in the air. They begin to disappear and turn to cloud and disappear. Nisus Ben-Har recognises it as the spell ‘windwalk’.   Fang goes to the tower and, using Kailyn's spyglass, takes a good look at Orolunga  and the direction that they will be heading in order to get a good idea of how we will travel there.   As we depart Mbala we are able to follow old, worn paths fairly easily. The temperature is warm, it continues to rain heavily.   Through the day, Bjorn makes an attempt to forage for food and water. Unfortunately, he is mainly unsuccessful in his task and returns, very downhearted with 2 gallons of water.   Towards the afternoon, the rain subsides as the temperature slightly increases.   Whilst travelling Fang and Kailyn inadvertently walk into some blue tinged Blue Mist. Although Kailyn navigates back out and warns the rest of the party unfortunately Fang succumbs to the mist and forgets who she is, who we are and why she is in this place. The party attempt to call Fang back out of the mist. Out of nowhere two coconuts come flying at Bjorn and Nisus. Bjorn catches both with his shield and they ricochet off.   Bjorn convinces Fang we are friendly and that she needs to leave the mist. As she begins to take a step forward Bjorn is attacked on either side of him and crumples to the ground – psychic damage. The party don’t see what it was but just see Bjorn crumple. Kailyn spots some ape like creatures within the trees. They are large and look quite gaunt/muscular. Kailyn shoots the Gnomish Conflagration Baton at the left hand side of him. Two of the ape like creatures evaporate as the sphere goes off, as do all other creatures in a 20ft radius. Kailyn turns to the other side ‘I’ve got more’. He sees a ginormous face, ape like with glittering red eyes, and teeth which shimmer. A bit like an illusion as he can see through it. It speaks ‘Chaos’ and starts to fade.   (Nisus casts Bless) Yesne and Nisus firebolt two of the apes on the right hand side. Though they take damage they are not dropped. The two apes, in retaliation, throw coconuts at Yesne and Nisus. Yesne catches hers but Nisus doesn’t and the coconut explodes and out comes a blue tinged mist. Yesne, Nisus and Kailyn shake the mist.   Fang, having watched this encounter turns to the apes and shoots the ape closest to her. Bjorn manages to get up. Yesne and Nisus send another firebolt at the apes. Yesne drops hers and Nisus shoots another spell which finishes the second ape.   Kailyn and Yesne see a semi-transparent image of another ape over the two apes on the right hand side. The eyes glow red and the injuries of the apes burn red/black and they re-animate. ‘Chaos’. Kailyn enters the mist by Fang and shoves some gunk in her mouth in order to cure him of the blue mist fever. It works and Fang is back.   Nisus firebolts one ape which blows up on impact. The second ape runs into Bjorn and explodes. As the ape disappears ‘Wongo ’… Kailyn believes this is the ape trickster god.   Motes of light appear around Bjorn they swirl around him and heal him. ‘Law’ in the voice of Moa in his head. Bjorn is fully healed.   Kailyn inspects the apes to the left. Yesne asks Kailyn when he put the ring in her pocket. He says he is good at things like that and proceeds to produce a coin from behind her ear. She thanks him with a hug and he wipes his ape blood hands on her back.   Fang scales a tree and finds a bandolier – inside are two more coconut bombs. She climbs to the top of the canopy to investigate the direction we are heading and discovers we have been heading in the correct direction. With the coconuts safely stored inside the ring, Fang finds a way around the fog and leads the party safely onwards. Fang finds an ancient structure, in disrepair and looks like it hasn’t been used for centuries. Looks like a hunters shelter and is well hidden. Kailyn looks around and finds an intricately carved maze. He traces it with his finger. Something has changed. All the insects around 20ft of the hut have disappeared.   Nisus talking to him she explains not and that it is Elonast. Nisus doesn’t like that someone is in his head. Elonast lands on him (still invisible) and he feels this. Kailyn is very unhappy that Nisus threw his glasses so gets out the marble gun and threatens him. Bjorn defuses the situation.   The rain begins again and we set out our rain catchers. Fang takes the first watch, Nisus second and Bjorn third. The night passes smoothly.

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