The Dauntless

"Do not tread lightly in a Dauntless territory. These scumbags won't hesitate to skin you alive if they get the chance." - Blackguard
  A lawless, pillaging faction who leaves trails of destruction in its wake. They are known to be extreme loot hoarders.  


Not much is known about this particular faction and how it was formed, but their first appearances can be traced back during the final Seydlar lockdown, where they would breach and plunder properties with weapons and a distinct red armored uniform.. Any attempt of communication between the Genesis and the Dauntless have all been proven to be fruitless.  

Faction Overview


Military Structure

  Dauntless Soldier
Basic Dauntless infantrymen, commonly seen on the battlefield when pillaging.   Dauntless Caster
A Dauntless unit who controls the arts of psionics.   Dauntless Caster Leader
A more stronger Dauntless psionic user who has mastered psionics and can be dangerous to deal with.
Illicit, Terrorist group

Cold war

The two factions are not actively engaging each other, but if one trespasses the other's territory, hostile actions can be made.


Currently in an open fire status. The Genesis does not agree with the constant chaos Dauntless has been causing. This has lead to multiple battle engagements.


The Exodus is a sub-faction of the Genesis, and is therefore seen as an enemy for the Dauntless.


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