Muzaka, The Wulflord

Risen God of Passion, Conflict, Nature Unrestrained, and Spirits

Titles: The Wulflord, The Primordial Brewmaster, Nature’s Bulwark, The Eternal Challenger, Lord of Passion and Extremity   Roles: Protect and Grow Nature free of all outside influence, The First on Every Battlefield, Brewer of all mortal drink, Create Merriment, Mirth, and Camaraderie from the ruins of conflict   Favored Weapon: Natural Weapons, Greatsword   Alignment: Chaotic Good   Area of Worship/Followers: The Elvenwood, Forests, Jungles, Swamps, and Natural Areas, Anywhere the Wulven or Druids can be found   Main Temple and Location: Sanctum of the Wulflord, Terrorclaw Thicket, the Wild Lands   Church Moniker: Church of the Wulflord   Rival/Enemy/Unliked Gods: None   Obedience: Engage in combat for at least three full rounds while rejoicing and singing the praises of Muzaka and the natural world. Make friends with your foe afterward. Alternatively, drink at least four full mugs of an alcoholic beverage within two full rounds and shout Muzakas praises while celebrating life and the joys of combat as loud as you can.   Effect: Gain fast healing 2 for the rest of the day that does not stack with other fast healing. You can freely control your own levels of intoxication for the next day. Roll twice and take the better result for the results of all magical alcoholic beverages.   Special: If you already have a form of fast healing, you add 1/2 of this bonus to your current Fast Healing Total instead of the full bonus.

Divine Domains

Plant, Strength, War, Animal, Chaos

Holy Books & Codes

The Wulfcode

Divine Symbols & Sigils

A mug emblazoned with crossed claws

Tenets of Faith

Live like today is the last day of your life, and fight every fight like it is your last. Throw cowardice, laws, or caution to the wind and burn brightly for as long as you can.
Protect Nature from those who do not belong there, and those who dare to impose or constrain or exploit it. Keep Nature safe from civilization and the machinations of others.
Never shy away from conflict, from violence, or from challenges. Never let any method of fighting, any tactic, or any means to win be beyond your arsenal.
Never kill where you could instead rejoice; Never slaughter where you could instead make merry; Take those you defeat and those who defeat you hand in hand and laugh with them afterwards.


Hunt's Rest, Hunt's Dawn, Wolf's Day

Divine Goals & Aspirations

Find and engage in good fights, and celebrate the joys of life with the foe afterwards   Protect and nurture Nature in its purest form   Brew new alcohol and distribute it to the Planes


Allana and Nifora, The Wild Sisters

Targets of his Affection (Vital)

Towards Muzaka, The Wulflord



Muzaka, The Wulflord

The Worst of Nature and Hated Foe (Vital)

Towards Allana and Nifora, The Wild Sisters




A rivalry like none other within most any Divine Pantheon, The Twin Sisters, from the moment that Muzaka ascended into godhood, have despised The Wulflord and have made countless attempts to lay him low, damage his reputation, get him exiled...anything, if it meant being rid of what they see as the absolute WORST of all that nature is and can be. They hate everything he stands for in relation to nature, as he is diametrically opposed to them in respect to the natural world...where they seek to impose a kind of order upon it and keep it abiding by a certain set of rules, he does nothing but disobey and destroy those very rules, throwing it all to the wind to do as he wishes and preaching for nature to grow without end.   Though they are master huntresses and unparalleled masters of Druidic and Divine Magics, they have yet been unable to truly kill The Wulflord...though they have fairly successfully gotten him incredibly close to death on multiple occasions, stopped each time by their father Gregaia, Lord of the Wild, who dislikes seeing his pantheon bicker and fight amongst themselves. To their point, however...they have taught the normally flippant Wulflord several valuable, often brutal lessons over the course of their eons-long rivalry, and given him great reason to be cautious of them despite their legendary beauty and fertility.   Muzaka, for his part, is completely infatuated with the Twin Sisters and desperately courts them at every available opportunity...he projects a facade of ignorance of their hatred, but truly he is aware of it, but simply seeks to overcome it in true Wulven fashion, by bullying his way through their disgust and hatred to hopefully one day successful befriend and court them both. Due to his overwhelming battle mastery and legendary durability even among the standards of Gods, he has largely ignored every assassination attempt the Twin Sisters throw at him, annoying them even more when he simply ignores such attempts and continues to pursue them and their love.   This rivalry is largely reflected in their followers; Wulven often enjoy courting the followers of The Twin Sisters, who they see as worthy warriors and mates, while they in part mostly despise the rowdy and chaotic beasts as manifestations of the worst parts of Nature and seek to kill them or at the very least, damage their reputations or societal standing.

Muzaka, The Wulflord

Adorable Plaything (Important)

Towards Lilac, The Idolatress



Lilac, The Idolatress

A woman to stay away from (Important)

Towards Muzaka, The Wulflord




One of the few Divine Goddesses that he does not try to actively woo or romance, Lilac is the only Goddess that he tends to stay away from and keep at arm's reach. The two were said to be acquainted during their times as mortals before their ascensions into Godhood, and Lilac is said to have been one of the few people to best The Wulflord during his life...albeit, by means of using his own immense hedonism and lust against him.   Said to have beaten The Wulflord and warped his mind to her own ends for a short time when they were mortals that led to her forcing him to commit several heinous deeds in her name, Lilac thinks The Wulflord an adorable puppy whose reactions to her lustful tauntings far too enjoyable to ever stop...she enjoys toying with him, and enjoys his clear and obvious wariness and desire to avoid her.   Muzaka now, as a Risen God, refuses to associate with Lilac and, unless pressured by some great event or need, often avoids her in pitifully bad attempts to look busy elsewhere. He is famously wary of her and her "dishonorable ways", and dislikes engaging with her for fear of being her toy again with what he sees as means that are somewhat beyond his comprehension. He knows her as a trickster, manipulator, and master controller of others, something that he is well aware is an area he is not well versed with, and thus avoids her to maintain both his dignity and pride.   This relationship is reflected in their followers, as the Wulven and followers of Muzaka often make a point to avoid clerics and faithful of Lilac where possible, being wary of them and recognizing them as the Seductive and Chaotic Tricksters they often are, and people not to be fully trusted or associated with.

Divine Boons

  1. Unbreakable Heart 3/day, Vine Strike 2/day, or Deadly Juggernaut 1/day
  3. Once per day as a standard action, you can summon a pair of Bralani Azatas. The azatas follow your commands perfectly for 1 minute for every Hit Die you possess before vanishing back to their home in Elysium. They don’t follow commands that would violate their chaotic good alignment. Such commands will not only earn refusal and scorn from them, but could cause them to attack you if the command is particularly egregious.
  5. Three times per day, you can call upon Muzaka during the casting of a spell to increase its potency. When you use this ability, you can cast any spell that deals hit point damage and has a casting time of 1 standard action as a full-round action instead. Doing so changes half the damage dealt to divine power, similar to a flame strike spell. For example, a wizard 5/evangelist 9 casts a lightning bolt as a full-round action. The spell deals 10d6 points of damage, half of which is electricity damage and the other half of which is divine energy and not subject to electricity resistance. If you can’t cast spells that deal hit point damage, you instead gain the ability to imbue your weapon with holy power. Three times per day as a free action, you can grant your weapon the holy weapon special ability for 1 minute.
Mourn not their passing! Drink to their honor, their memory, and their glory! Drink for the day you meet them again in eternity, and live as if that day could be tomorrow!
— Wulven Saying
Divine Classification
Chaotic Good
Quotes & Catchphrases
We have fought well! Now, we shall drink even better!
Holy Animal
Wolf, Moose
Holy Colors
Green, White, Red
Holy Number


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