Allana and Nifora, The Wild Sisters

Minor Goddesses of Balance, Hunting, Beauty, Craftsmen, and Rulership

Those interested in becoming a divinely empowered servant(Such as a Cleric, Paladin, Etc) of a Twin Deity/Dual God may choose to select their tenets freely from between the tenets listed for each deity - they must have a minimum of 4 tenets but can choose as many tenets as they wish, up to a maximum of all tenets available to both twins.   Their alignment is determined by which of the twins they chose more tenets from - if they chose equally, then their alignment is as close to between the twins as possible(Or creating a new composite alignment from the alignments of both twins). Consult your GM for any questions you possess. In general, you cannot take tenets that would directly conflict with one another, as breaking your tenets will obviously break your oaths.
  Titles: The Wild Sisters, The Fertile Twins, The Huntmaster's Executioners, Keepers of Nature Atlen, The Identical Huntresses, The Twin Druids, The Ladies of the Bow and Arrow, Queen of Craftsmen, The Animal Overseers   Favored Weapon: Composite Longbow   Alignment: True Neutral(Allana) / Lawful Evil(Nifora)   Church Moniker: Church of the Wild Sisters   Obedience: Spend an hour painting the two halves of your face in the identical yet subtly distinct visages of Allana and Nifora, the Wild Sisters. Ideally, do so in the company of the natural world or its denizens. Once the hour is up, take a moment to beautify yourself, your possessions, or the surrounding area in whatever minor ways you can before washing your face and speaking a whispered prayer to the Wild Sisters.   Effect: By channeling the twinfold aspects of The Wild Sisters, you can invoke their authority over balance to protect yourself or your allies - whenever you or an allied creature within 15ft of you would take damage from an attack roll made by a hostile creature, you can as an immediate action split the damage between the target and the attacker, applying neither's DR or Resistances. Once used, this ability cannot be used again for 1d4 rounds.

Divine Domains

Animal, Charm, Plant, Magic, Artifice


  • The Twinmasks: A series of minor magical artifacts used by high-ranking members of the faith, the Twinmasks are odd masks that split apart into two segments - each singular mask designed to be worn by two individuals, each wearing half of the mask to cover one half of their face. When worn as such, these masks link the two creatures and grant them a slew of abilities ranging from enhanced eyesight, ability to disguise themselves, and more. While rare, there exist many such masks used by members of the faith across the planet of Ea.
  • The Wild Needles: These extremely rare and extremely powerful magical arrows are considered incredibly powerful relics of The Wild Sisters - for when fired, these arrows can inflict a variety of potent effects(With each arrow possessing a singular unique effect) ranging from instantly transmuting those it strikes into mindless animals, inverting the alignment of those it strikes, granting increased fertility or even instant pregnancy, bypassing all defenses and wards on the target, to even delivering instant death. Very few in number, these leafy green bramble-esque needles are said to be the personal arrows of Allana and Nifora themselves - each fallen, dropped, or discarded onto the Material Plane over Eons for one reason or another.
  • Wodebow: This legendary bow is a strange item that more closely resembles an X than a normal bow - as if two composite longbows were taped together in an X pattern. The singular and most mighty relic of The Wild Sisters, this bow is said to have been crafted in the image of the united bows of the twins themselves - said to be able to link their weapons together to fell even gods. This bow, while seldom described in the historical record, is an incredibly potent weapon blessed directly by the twin deities themselves - said to be able to shoot any target no matter how distant, it has blasted down city walls, killed unkillable foes, and in one legendary instance, shattered a descending meteor before it could make landfall.

Holy Books & Codes

The Sisters' Writ

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Two arrows facing opposite directions inside a circle(Or depiction of the Moon)

Tenets of Faith

Beauty in all things. Seek the beauty in others and the world around you, and do your best to make the world a more beautiful place in ways both big and small.
Never waste the gifts of nature. You are a part of the cycle, not above it; protect the creatures of nature and the world in which they live from exploitation. If you cannot protect them, avenge them.
To create is divine. Make for the simple joy of creation, and to make the lives of those who behold your works all the richer. Choose your art, perfect it, master it, then choose another to begin the cycle of beauty anew.
Peace begets purpose. That which you do for others gives you the greatest meaning - go with flower rather than weapon and work to prevent conflicts before they bloom. Strike first only when it would protect the innocent, and live your life by example rather than blade.
Embrace the predator inside. To hunt another is to be closer to the gods; to kill is divine. Embrace the dominance of the Hunter and honor the sanctity of the hunt. Hunt often, hunt well, and prove your dominance over your prey - the more intricate the hunt, the more mighty the prey, the greater the honor in the act.
Lead, never follow. You are not merely a part of the world, but above it - a champion of its values, virtues, and codes; a Ruler unto yourself. It is thus your duty to guide others wherever possible, to provide direction to the directionless, and follow no creature unless they prove themselves worthy of it. It is your will that shapes the world and its creatures.
Beauty lies in blood. The act of creation and the things it creates is wasted on aesthetics and naive ideals - if you must create, create with purpose. Choose your art, and hone it for a single, functional purpose - there is no greater beauty. Create not to inspire, but to leave behind works whose functions will endure long after you are gone. Art without function is meaningless.
Only the great can bring balance. Know no doubt and brook no imbalance in the world around you - crush the forces that seek to blanket the world and foster the struggles of a world in balance, for these struggles are what leads to the purest progress. If you must act, do so with knowledge of its consequences - when the forces of the world fall out of balance, all within it suffer.


The Moonhunt

Divine Goals & Aspirations

To protect Nature's Beasts.   To Foster Natural Magic.   Bless and Oversee all craftsmen.   To enforce order on the natural world.


Allana and Nifora, The Wild Sisters

Targets of his Affection (Vital)

Towards Muzaka, The Wulflord



Muzaka, The Wulflord

The Worst of Nature and Hated Foe (Vital)

Towards Allana and Nifora, The Wild Sisters




A rivalry like none other within most any Divine Pantheon, The Twin Sisters, from the moment that Muzaka ascended into godhood, have despised The Wulflord and have made countless attempts to lay him low, damage his reputation, get him exiled...anything, if it meant being rid of what they see as the absolute WORST of all that nature is and can be. They hate everything he stands for in relation to nature, as he is diametrically opposed to them in respect to the natural world...where they seek to impose a kind of order upon it and keep it abiding by a certain set of rules, he does nothing but disobey and destroy those very rules, throwing it all to the wind to do as he wishes and preaching for nature to grow without end.   Though they are master huntresses and unparalleled masters of Druidic and Divine Magics, they have yet been unable to truly kill The Wulflord...though they have fairly successfully gotten him incredibly close to death on multiple occasions, stopped each time by their father Gregaia, Lord of the Wild, who dislikes seeing his pantheon bicker and fight amongst themselves. To their point, however...they have taught the normally flippant Wulflord several valuable, often brutal lessons over the course of their eons-long rivalry, and given him great reason to be cautious of them despite their legendary beauty and fertility.   Muzaka, for his part, is completely infatuated with the Twin Sisters and desperately courts them at every available opportunity...he projects a facade of ignorance of their hatred, but truly he is aware of it, but simply seeks to overcome it in true Wulven fashion, by bullying his way through their disgust and hatred to hopefully one day successful befriend and court them both. Due to his overwhelming battle mastery and legendary durability even among the standards of Gods, he has largely ignored every assassination attempt the Twin Sisters throw at him, annoying them even more when he simply ignores such attempts and continues to pursue them and their love.   This rivalry is largely reflected in their followers; Wulven often enjoy courting the followers of The Twin Sisters, who they see as worthy warriors and mates, while they in part mostly despise the rowdy and chaotic beasts as manifestations of the worst parts of Nature and seek to kill them or at the very least, damage their reputations or societal standing.

To strive for balance but refuse to enforce it is naive idealism.   The natural state of all life is chaos. Balance comes only through forceful action, and is maintained only through the same.
— Excerpt from Nifora's Teachings
Divine Classification
True Neutral(Allana) / Lawful Evil(Nifora)
Areas of Concern
Hunters, Pregnancies, Servants of Nature, Balance, Craftsmen, Any who seek children, Those who live within nature or protect its bounties, The Lustful, Those who seek to keep nature in balance, Half-Elves
Main Temple and Location
The Fecund Cloister(Located in Shae'lenn, Capital of The Elvenwood)
Holy Animal
Holy Colors
White, Emerald
Holy Number


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