Tamosh Geographic Location in Coriolis_old | World Anvil
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Tamosh is one of the biggest planets under control of COU when it comes to military. Due to its history and rules it has amassed quite the military power and strives to improve it even more.


Tamosh mainly consists of 2 large continents. These continents are divided up into larger sections. All of these are still under Karsus' rule but all except for the Grand Duchy of Karsus are divvied up to other leaders. Each of these countries bare their responsibility and need to pay taxes and negotiated goods in order to keep their independence. The planet has mountains to the west and marking the border between Guigliania and the Grand Duchy; As well as in the center of the Anzian Free territory.


The Ecosystem can be compared to a earth like ecosystem. A very diverse system spread all over the planet. However the prevalence of ever-greens is noticeable as well as the deep brown dirt and mulch, with brown grass instead of green that give most of the planet a very brown-toned aesthetic.

Ecosystem Cycles

Spring - Lots of oranges and yellows mixed in with the ever greens. Dotted with the colors of blossoms.
Summer - Very vibrant greens trees and bushes but mostly brown grasses.
Autumn - Whilst some dark greens are still here with bushes and ever green trees. A lot of the vegetation turns a deep brown.
Winter - There isn't a lot of snowfall on Tamosh because of the pollution. Occasionally snowfall will occur. Most of the landscape is filled with dead bushes and trees during with the odd deep evergreen tree.
Tremben - A very unique season on Tamosh as all of the dead vegetation starts to form buttons. Then over 24 hours, all of those buttons will open up revealing bright yellow leaves, even the evergreens turn yellow. Afterwards these colors often fade to their natural greens and browns. There's also often a lot of rain in this season.


Originally Tamosh was a free planet. But it quickly became under siege and control of SOSA during the great expanse. COU eventually re-conquered the planet. Putting it under control of the Helexalim family. This allowed the people to once again return to their old lives but it changed the socio-economic climate. They now had to prepare for war, the planet needed to have an army that could defend it. This also meant they needed to produce warships and have made it into the army driven economy it is now.


  • Tamosh
  • Braavos
    Capital of Tamosh and the Grand Duchy of Karsus.
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Ruling/Owning Rank
Owning Organization

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