SOSA Organization in Coriolis_old | World Anvil
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SOSA, or the sol originated space association, is one of the big three. Whilst SOSA is mostly research and science focused, the association is highly xenophobic and divided among branches. Originally forming in the Sol System, on a planet called Terra (commonly called Earth). Inspired by their predecessor, NASA, they lead the great expanse and explored and colonized their solar system. Realizing there were no easily inhabitable bodies in their crystal sphere. They expanded into other crystal spheres. Most people do not agree with the ways of SOSA and how the most prominent branch operates but because of their flawed voting system (electoral), it maintains an illusion of democracy whilst keeping the same people in power with the same morals an ideals.   The general hierarchy of officers inside SOSA is as following (pertaining to military and geopolitical):
  1. Emperor. Whilst holding a lot of theoretical power, the emperor holds little actual power. They are the head of SOSA but they need to appeal to the board of Presidents in order to hold that power. Therefor it is more of a ceremonious title.
  2. President. A president sits on the board of presidents. Each representing their nation and part of the SOSA empire. They hold command over planets, fleets and major decisions. The laws aren't universal between SOSA territories but instead vary from each presidential branch to the next. Whilst normally it is a form of democracy/oligarchy with these presidents. In recent years President Odin öbermüt has usurped the board threatening to eliminate the other presidents if necessary. Gaining hold of the most actual power.
  3. Field marshal or General of the army. This person stands at the head of the army of a certain presidency. Sometimes this is the president themselves, sometimes it is a different person. They hold power and command over the entire army, region or theater within their SOSA branch.
  4. General. A general is a person in command of a fleet, regiment, field army or planet.
  5. Colonel. A colonel is a person in command of a division, regiment, battalion or settlement (city with surrounding territories).
  6. Captain. A captain is a person in command of a platoon, squad or (command) ship. Rarely a captain also holds power within a city or is assigned smaller towns and villages.
  7. Corporal. A corporal is a person in command of a fireteam. Leading only a small amount of people into battle or captaining a small space craft.
  8. Cadet. Any other member of a SOSA army.
  Diplomacy Diagram not available

the Benefit of All

Founding Date
Geopolitical, Empire
Alternative Names
Sol Originated Space Association
Leader Title
Head of State
Head of Government
Government System
Power Structure
Economic System
Command/Planned economy
USD (Universal Standardized Dollar), $, commonly called dollars or bucks
Subsidiary Organizations
Official Languages
Related Ranks & Titles
Controlled Territories
Neighboring Nations
Organization Vehicles

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