
The Materium is the youngest plane in existence. It was crafted by the distant descendants of the Gods of the Fore, bearing none of their original handiwork. The Materium is considered a "cursed" plane, having been created outside of the Purgoran Shield itself. It shares this distinction with its sibling planes: the Feywild and the Shadowfell.   All three planes are incredibly complex due to the refined nature of their creation. All elemental domains are represented by the triplets, and thousands of diverse inhabitants fill their dials.   In 0 AL, the empress of a nation in the Materium attempted a terrible ritual: she called down the Lumin Path to her world in the hopes of gleaning power and knowledge from its light. Instead, the impossible power of the Path shattered the Materium's Dial, vaporizing the empire and plunging the Materium into several hundred years of chaos. This event is known in the Materium as the Lightfall.
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