Plane of Dust

The Plane of Dust is a younger plane, crafted by the Gods of the Fore and their children later in the Age of Heart. It encompasses the domains of elemental earth and air. The Plane of Dust is an Ordinal Conjunction, which are more refined and habitable than the Cardinal Planes.   Much of this plane is covered in craggy rock, desert, and pockets of low forests. The Plane of Dust has a warm temperate climate, but is shrouded in a thick miasma of dust that encircles the floors of most of the plane. This dust is mildly toxic, reducing the lifespans of those that live in the plane by several decades on average. Despite this, there is an eminent planar superpower here: Quirrach. Also known as the Jagged City, it is a prominent enemy of Zivilon in the Wars of Melding.
Located in
Quirrach, Dweinrach, Ruins of Logi