Lady Katarina le Corridon

Lady of House le Corridon, Duchess of Lambda Corridus

Lady Katarina is the Duchess of Lambda Corridon, the less populated of the Corridon System's two worlds. There, she is the undisputed ruler, by virtue of her position as the Lady of House le Corridon, and the pilot of the Omnissiah's Scorn. Together with her spouse Archmagos Dominus Andrissa Varashivi, she is one of the two rulers of the Corridon System, and hunts the Genestealer enemy through the stars, in search for the stolen STC possessed by the Cult of the Quarried Flesh. She longs to reunite her family, and pushes ever forwards to allow them to return to their homeworlds. Wounded during the Underwar, she is now wheelchair-bound, though this has done nothing to hamper her fury when piloting the Omnissiah's Scorn.


Early Life

Lady Katarina inherited her position as Lady of House le Corridon and Duchess of Lambda Corridon at her birth, after the early death of her father Marchek le Corridon. Growing up in the stringent, ceremonial environment of an ancient Knight house, her childhood was crushed under the weight of innumerable rites, rituals, and protocols. Although House le Corridon had many members, none of them truly cared for the young Duchess, except to manipulate her for their own ends. When Lady Katarina was just 6 years old, her mother, Johanna le Corridon was murdered by her cousin Baron Venceslav le Corridon, who took the position of regent, and underwent the Ritual of Becoming with the royal Knight, the Omnissiah's Scorn. Katarina found herself totally alone, longing for family and safety in a court that offered her none.

Rise to Power

By the time she reached her teenage years, the Duchess seethed against the continuous regency of Baron Venceslav. Amidst the byzantine court politics of the Knightly court, she found few allies, with most siding with the Baron, due to his possession of the Omnissiah's Scorn and his status as de facto ruler of Lambda Corridon. Her first major ally was Andrissa Varashivi, at the time just a Magos. The two had met during a repair ceremony after the Omnissiah's Scorn was damaged in combat, when the Magos was brought in to help repair the Knight's damaged Thundercoil Harpoon, and reconsecrate the blessed machine. The two formed an alliance - and a relationship - and, with the help of their Skitarii, Katarina set out to claim her rightful Throne. Proving herself an able politician, she played the fears of several cliques of minor House nobles against each other, turning them to her cause. With several Knights at her command, Lady Katarina took control of the Ducal Palace, while a killclade of Magos Andrissa's Sicarians silently eliminated Baron Venceslav. Finally in control of her rightful position, Katarina set out to write her name into the Corridon System's history books.
  Her first goal was to become a great ruler for Lambda Corridon. She set out to reform the complicated tax system, implemented over many millennia by the many, many rulers of House le Corridon. She simplified and streamlined the collection system, moving many positions from the corrupt nobles who had long held them, to publicly appointed tax collectors. Though it earned her much praise from the population, freed from the corrupt taxmen, this earned her the ire of many of the nobles. During this period, she became pregnant with her and Magos Andrissa's first child. Despite demands by many of her vassals to get married or abdicate, to avoid having an illegitimate heir, she stood firm, compounding their ire.
  Refusing to allow their defiance, she defeated several of these dissidents in Knightly duels, and, after her son Striden le Corridon was born, she fought and killed several others in personal duels with her own Power Sword. She would brook no dissent with her son's place as her heir. The nobles of Lambda Corridon soon learned that they were incapable of standing before the power, both political and physical, of Lady Katarina. Though he now had some of the family she had long hoped for, safe from the byzantine scheming of the Knightly court, she still longed for a closer relationship with Andrissa, despite living on separate worlds.

Cult War



At the outbreak of the Underwar, Lady Katarina was located on Eta Corridon, visiting Andrissa and renewing her oaths to the Questor Mechanicus. Trapped on the planet by the enemy voidfleets, the Omnissiah's Scorn joined in the land war against the troops rising from the tunnels of the Cult of the Quarried Flesh. Though the tunnels hampered the movements of the Knight Valiant, Lady Katarina continued to bravely hold her position. During the Broodhoard Rising, Lady Katarina defeated several Genestealer Sanctii in close combat with her Power Sword, but in the ensuing chaos, was badly outnumbered and survived only due to the intervention of Archmagos Andrissa's Sievert Battalion.
  Joining their plan to collapse the Cult tunnels, Lady Katarina went to the south pole, and entered the tunnels and caverns beneath the forges. Fighting her way into the tunnels, the Knight became far more effective in the open space of the Cult's heretical "cathedrals". Reaching the subspace generator, Lady Katarina ordered her auxiliary troops to retreat to the surface, while she held her position. Destroying the generator, she was buried. Although the Knight's cabin protected her from being totally crushed, her spine was badly damaged, and her legs paralyzed. Soon recovered by digging Servitors, she returned to the devastating news of Andrissa's disappearance. After their reappearance from deep beneath the radioactive soil, the two reunited lovingly, choosing to never again be apart.


Though the Tombs beneath Eta Corridon had been destroyed, and the Cult leaders killed or scattered, much of the Corridon System was still infested with the foul xenos. Gathering the huge forces of Skitarii now freed from combat, Archmagos Andrissa and Lady Katarina brought their forces to Lambda Corridon to relieve the Siege of Corridon City and rescue their son Striden le Corridon. Uniting their family after their long divisions, Katarina and Andrissa were married in the still smoking ruins of the battlefield. Throughout the rest of the Cleansing, Lady Katarina and the Omnissiah's Scorn were stationed on the Fifteenth Law, were they were a breakthrough element against the most heavily entrenched cultists, especially those on larger bodies, since the Knight functioned better in gravity. After the Battle of Shipyard Resh, she joined Archmagos Andrissa in hunting down the enemy and their stolen technology.

Mental characteristics

Gender Identity

Cis Woman




Family Ties

Archmagos Dominus Andrissa Varashivi

Lady Katarina is married to Archmagos Andrissa. The couple first met during consecration ceremonies for the Omnissiah's Scorn, after the Knight was damaged in combat. They began a long but casual relationship, with both too absorbed in their duties to pursue a more intense romance. They nevertheless worked as political allies, with several of Andrissa's troops participating in Katarina's rise to power. After a particularly long maintenance ritual for the Knight's dual plasma core, the two had their first son, Marquis Striden le Corridon. Nevertheless, the relationship remained casual until the Underwar. The couple were both stationed on the Northern polar front, and their proximity allowed them to finally pursue a more traditional relationship. They fought together in many battles on this front, and when Lady Katarina was nearly overwhelmed during the Broodhoard Rising, Archmagos Andrissa brought their honor guard to her reinforcement. After they became Fabricator General, Andrissa and Katarina led the two missions to destroy the subspace generators that supported the planet's tombs. After the victory on Eta Corridon, the pair rushed to Lambda Corridon to relieve the Siege of Corridon City and rescue their son Striden le Corridon. After destroying the Cult of the Quarried Flesh on the two primary planets of the Corridon System, the two were finally married, joining the Adeptus Mechanicus and House le Corridon in a grand ceremony in the rebuilt Cathedral of Holy Radiation in Corridon City. They remained together through the Cleansing and the pursuit of the Cult; at present both are aboard the Fifteenth, where they often fight together against the many enemies of the Omnissiah.

Marquis Striden le Corridon

Striden le Corridon is the son of Lady Katarina and Archmagos Andrissa. Born from the long dalliance between the Archmagos and the Duchess before their marriage, he is the heir to House le Corridon, and therefore pilot of the Eternal Defiance. Though he was illegitimate, Lady Katarina would brook no disagreement with his status. Striden was mainly raised by Katarina, on Lambda Corridon. The pair were very close, nearly always part of the same lance when they went into combat. Now, they are forced to be apart due to the pursuit of the Cult of the Quarried Flesh, but both wish to return and reunite their family.

Archmagos Cogitator Astrea Varashivi

Archmagos Astrea is the vat-grown child of Lady Katarina and Archmagos Andrissa. During the long warp voyages in pursuit of the Cult of the Quarried Flesh, the two worked to combine their genes into another child. They were then grown in one of the Fifteenth Law's many growth vats, then raised after decantation by Katarina and Andrissa. Growing up aboard an Ark Mechanicus, Astrea was soon inducted into the sacred mysteries of the Omnissiah. They showed a prodigal skill with mathematics and statistics, and were soon capable of an almost prophetic level of prediction. By the time they reached the age of 25, they were inducted as one of the youngest Magi of the Ordo Logis. After several victories over the Genestealers due to prognostications of their movement, they were further promoted to the rank of Archmagos. Hoping to further their predictive abilities, Astrea returned to Eta Corridon, where they led the planet to new heights of production, repeatedly exceeding quotas. Lady Katarina longs to reunite her family, and pushes ever forwards to allow them to return to their homeworlds.


Lady Katarina le Corridon

Wife (Vital)

Towards Archmagos Dominus Andrissa Varashivi


Archmagos Dominus Andrissa Varashivi

Spouse (Vital)

Towards Lady Katarina le Corridon


Marquis Striden le Corridon


Towards Lady Katarina le Corridon


Lady Katarina le Corridon


Towards Marquis Striden le Corridon


Archmagos Cogitator Astrea Varashivi


Towards Lady Katarina le Corridon


Lady Katarina le Corridon


Towards Archmagos Cogitator Astrea Varashivi


Lord Marchek le Corridon


Towards Lady Katarina le Corridon


Lady Katarina le Corridon


Towards Lord Marchek le Corridon


Marchioness Johanna le Corridon


Towards Lady Katarina le Corridon


Lady Katarina le Corridon


Towards Marchioness Johanna le Corridon


Currently Boarded Vehicle
Date of Birth
3 409 473 M41
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
130 lbs
Owned Vehicles
Cult Mechanicus
Ruled Locations