Battle over Inthyla Saffmit Military Conflict in Corrum Galaxia | World Anvil
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Battle over Inthyla Saffmit (Int-high-la Saff-mitt)

The Conflict


See Siege of Inthyla Saffmit   The Mitshetemble-Class Corvette Lyubov was sent by the System Protection Company to provide air support to the militias during the Siege of Inthyla Saffmit. While the lighter corvette was typically deployed in groups to protect larger ships and provide anti-fighter capabilities to mixed fleets, it was figured that the single ship would be sufficient to stop what was viewed at the time as a minor conflict.   The Talopi Xonod Navy, which had expanded from a pair of Voumkeet-Class Escort Destroyers in 2848 to 2 Hylapail-Class Cruisers, 3 Opailjo-Class Scout Cruisers, and 6 Shetelpail-Class Monitors by 2841. The most recently finished ship at the time of the Siege was the Opailjo-Class Lomiti Ankjo, which was to be helmed by Captain Timo Sauer. The Lomiti Ankjo was rushed from the Talopi Xonod National Shipyard to Inthyla Saffmit, where it promptly engaged the Lyubov.

The Engagement

The Lyubov spotted the Lomiti Ankjo coming from a distance, and the captain, Naval Officer Rasim Novich, ordered the corvette to angle itself forward towards the larger ship and slowly begin climbing towards the atmosphere.   The four 96mm Ship-To-Ship cannons on the Lomiti Ankjo, who's range was increased by magnetized accelerators, opened fired on the smaller vessel. The opening salvo ripped into the port-side and bow of the Lyubov, and forced it to drift back towards the surface of the Moon. Captain Novich ordered his ship to return fire, but the bow-mounted 60mm S-T-S cannon and 20mm autocannon were disabled by the first strike, leaving the midship 20mms and stern 60mm to fire back, but found themselves out of range.   After another salvo from the Scout Cruiser's main guns, as well as bursts of fire from their 45mm autocannons, forced the Lyubov to put all power into the main engines, and the smaller yet faster vessel was able to retreat to a neutral shipyard on the neighboring moon of Seren.


Now with air supremacy firmly in their hands, Commander Piet Henschel ordered his men to press their advantage, and the Siege of Inthyla Saffmit would start in earnest.


Captain Timo Sauer would be awarded the Naval Excellent Command Ribbon for commanding the Lomiti Ankjo.   The Lyubov would return to combat 4 months later, retrofitted with thicker armor and an additional 60mm cannon at it's midship.
Included under Conflict
Conflict Type
Battlefield Type
Start Date
Ending Date
Conflict Result
Talopi Xonod Navy victory, Lyubov forced to retreat.


System Protection Company
Talopi Xonod Navy


1 Mitshetemble-Class Corvette
  • Lyubov
1 Opailjo-Class scout cruiser
  • Lomiti Ankjo


Lyubov badly damaged


Protect the airspace over Inthyla Saffmit.
Conquer the airspace over Inthyla Saffmit.


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