Siege of Inthyla Saffmit Military Conflict in Corrum Galaxia | World Anvil
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Siege of Inthyla Saffmit (Int-high-la Saff-mitt)

The Conflict


Troop movements before the Siege (Talopi Xonod in Blue, Free Colonies in Red)  

Cano Homesteaders

The civilians who survived the Skirmish at Cano Homestead fled to the Border Trade Road, a series of trails and roads that connected the nearby villages and farms to the local trade capital, Inthyla Saffmit. Meanwhile the 3 surviving militiamen, Cano Bryn, Cali Uuid and Talorgen Domel, fled west with the intention of reaching the next closest farming village, Jaxtvopsau, and gathering their militia to retake Cano Homestead.   The mercenaries had spotted the civilians flight as they launched from the losing battle, and returned to the moon and helped prepare the defenses at Inthyla Saffmit. They called for reinforcements, and the Mitshetemble-Class Corvette Lyubov arrived and took position orbiting above the town.  

Talopi Xonod

The Fort Katzen Garrison took a few days to recover at Cano Homestead. 1st and 2nd Infantry Platoons recombined into 5th Infantry Platoon, FKG, while the remainder of 1st Infantry Battalion arrived to the hamlet. The Battalion marched southwest, with Commander Piet Henschel at the front. 1st Infantry Battalion from Fort Boett Garrison, led by Senior Captain Torsten Minik, were ordered to join the Fort Katzen Garrison by the new "Tradelands Theatre" senior officer, General Maxi Tischbein. General Tischbein sought to gain as much vital farmland and trade routes as possible.   One of the Talopi Xonod Navy's newest vessels, the Opailjo-Class scout cruiser Lomiti Ankjo, was deployed from the Talopi Xonod National Shipyard in Tiann Saffkrix to counter the arrival of the Lyubov.


Free Colonies of Tiann

Unit Name: Unit Leader: Unit Size:
Cano Homestead Militia Cano Bryn 3
Jaxtvopsau Militia Murtol Erip 25
Inthyla Saffmit Militia Samio Wald 150
System Protection Company Naval Officer Rasim Novich 8 Infantry, 1 Mitshetemble-Class Corvette (Lyubov)

Talopi Xonod

Unit Name: Unit Leader: Unit Size:
1st Infantry Battalion, Fort Katzen Garrison Commander Piet Henschel 99
1st Infantry Battalion, Fort Boett Garrison Senior Captain Torsten Minik 136
Lomiti Ankjo Captain Timo Sauer 1 Opailjo-Class scout cruiser


A market street in Inthyla Saffmit   Inthyla Saffmit is the Trade Capital of its region by the border with Talopi Xonod. It serviced farming villages such as Cano Homestead and Jaxtvopsau. It's population of 8,500 was the largest in the region by far.   Inthyla Saffmit also had a modest spaceport.

The Engagement

Phase 1: Early Siege (9.26-9.30)

  The first 4 days of the siege saw little active combat, with the exception being a small attempted breakout by a group of Inthyla Saffmit militiamen.   A platoon of militiamen led by Colour Sergeant Breth Tarla exited the main gates of Inthyla Saffmit in a modified Saupoto Lumbertruck. Using the uparmored work truck as mobile cover, 2 dozen militiamen opened fire at the encamped Xonod Army. The firefight didn't last long, as one of the Telemblemit-41s from Fort Boett was able to destroy the Saupoto with its 60mm cannon, and without the heavy truck, the militia was forced to retreat. ClSgt Breth was killed in the rout.   Commander Piet Henschel ordered the two tanks available to him to collapse the front gate to the town to prevent another counterattack from the defenders.   The presence of the Lyubov above the city kept the besieging army from trying any major moves out of fear of bombardment. Unbeknownst to them, Naval Officer Rasim Novich was under orders not to fire from above to avoid damage to the city and unnecessary civilian deaths.   On 9.30, the Lomiti Ankjo arrived from the Talopi Xonod National Shipyards. It engaged the Lyubov in the brief but one sided Battle over Inthyla Saffmit, which saw the Lyubov forced to retreat from the planet and limp to the closest neutral shipyard on Seren.  

Phase 2: Into the City Streets 9.31-9.35)

With air supremacy firmly in the hands of the Talopi Xonod, Cmdr. Henschel ordered ordered 1st Battalion, FKG to push into the city over the ruins of the front gate. Despite protests from Senior Captain Helmine Gebauer and 1st Warrantman Niklas Reinma, 1st Battalion climbed through the ruins and were immediately overcome by barrages of machine gun fire from encamped militiamen. The two sides continued to exchange fire across the destroyed gates for the remainder of the 9.31 and into the early morning of 9.32.   Eventually, 1st Battalion, FBG cleared enough large pieces of debris for the pair of Telemblemit-41s to be able to push their way up to the battlefield, and the 60mm cannons quickly decimated the militia's positions. As the first light tank made its way out of the gates and into the entrance square, a pair of militiamen from Jaxtvopsau, Cano Homesteader Talorgen Domel and 2 System Protection Company mercenaries ran out onto the street and opened fire with their rifles, while Talorgen used a shoulder-fired 68mm SSATR to strike the tank just below its turret. The rocket killed the gunner and loader, and injured the driver and commander. The second Telemblemit-41 pulled alongside the burning shell of the first and fired a single round from it's own cannon. The HE shell landed at the feet of Talorgen and the mercenary beside him, killing them both instantly. The remaining militia fell back into the city.   While the first few days of combat in the city saw the TXA gain ground, progress slowed by the morning of 9.35, and small counterattacks from the militia caused issues among the Talopi line's morale.  

Phase 3: The Fall of the City (10.1-10.9)

The strongest concentration of militiamen was in the main market square, where the defenders had dug in with anti-infantry and anti-tank defenses. The remaining Telemblemit-41 deployed by the Garrisons led the charge into the market, but was destroyed by a barrage of SSATRs. What followed was a 4 day slough where victory was measured in inches gained. On 10.5, the Lomiti Ankjo angled its deck towards the market, and opened fire with a barrage from its 45mm cannons. The explosvie rounds caused extreme damage to the defenders, but also affected the attackers due to the close range. Samio Wald was killed in the barrage, and other milita leaders were injured. The remaining milita and mercenaries who were able to flee from the bombardment were forced to surrender or find ways out of the city on their own. By the end of 10.9, the Mayor of Inthyla Saffmit signed a surrender order, and the Talopi Xonod flag was raised over town hall.


The city continued to be a major trade outlet for the region, but now with a heavy tax collected by Talopi Xonod and a TXA presence.   1st Battalion, FKG and 1st Battalion, FBG soon were absorbed into the newly formed 1st Tradelands Army.


A small resistance force, named the Canoites, was formed and led by Cano Homesteader Cali Uuid. It would operate in the region from the end of the siege to their successful retaking of Inthyla Saffmit during the 2837 Liberation of the Tradelands.

Historical Significance


The spaceport at Inthyla Saffmit was expanded over the 4 year occupation.
Included under Conflict
Included Conflicts
Conflict Type
Battlefield Type
Start Date
Ending Date
Conflict Result
Talopi Xonod conquer Inthyla Saffmit


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