Gargoyle Peak

Gargoyle Peak is a volcano located on Nimbus that contain the ruins of an ancient Moku city. The tallest peak of a volcanic chain of islands known as the Salamanders. It is home to gargoyles and a tribe of savage Moku offshoots called the Haole who suffer from an advanced infection of Helioschosis that impairs their brain function.   The peak once housed an industrial Moku city who relied on the volcanic cloud to shield themselves from the moon's harsh solar flares. However the city fell when the Moku King Laho attempted to infuse his people with the Helioschosis bacteria. The attempt ended in disaster, afflicting the Moku wiht a condition that turned their skin to stone when in contact with sunlight and causing their society as a whole to regress to a stone-age society.   The interior of the Peak is populated mainly by tribes of Haole. Their chieftains maintained a semblance of intelligence and lead the others in a series of camps perched upon stalagmite plateaus rising from the lava where they have established defensive perimiters with crude siege weapons, while also making use of what remains of the original Moku city's defenses. The Haole tribes hunt and domesticate the local gargoyles who nest in the northern sections of the peak. While the Haole exhibit some semblance of organization thanks to their chieftains, taking out their leadership causes them to break ranks and scatter until another Haole is born with the intellect and force of personality to become a new chieftain.   Haole living in Gargoyle Peak use the native gargoyles they tame as couriers to ferry themselves and goods across their settlements. The peak is largely unnavigable without flight due to most of the area being submerged in lava. Occasionally, the Salamanders' pirates will take excursions into Haole territory to scavenge for weapons or lost technologies, using a hot air baloon raft called an Ash Rider. The rafts can only remain aloft for short bursts and slowly descend over time, however, geysers of phlogiston gas that intermittently rise out of the volcano can be used to regain altitude.  

Lolo's Docks

A Haole chieftain, Lolo the Hunter maintains docks for her fleet of gargoyles which serve as a forward base for the Haole encampments. Gifted in both acrobatics and archery, Lolo harries her foes by hopping from the back of one Gargoyle to another, launching arrows as she passes between them.   The Party dispatched Lolo aboard an ash rider, keeping her distrracted by trading volleys of arrows with Halle and killing her Gargoyle mounts.  

Ancient Railway

An ancient railway sits on the estern edge of the peak, once used by the Moku city that once occupied the area. The Haolo ferry goods across the railway with a hand crank, but a cannon mounted on a rail-car sits in disrepair that could be used to thin the Haole's ranks.  

Kokami's Camp

Kokami the chief is a charismatic leader who has attracted a large number of warriors to his camp. His people worship the late King Laho, and a fiery statue of his visage looms over the camp, teetering from disrepair. Moku adherents place offerings of ash flowers and artifacts they find on the pedestal, the most valuable contribution of which in recent times was a piece of Ifrit engineer armor.   The Party killed Kokami by assaulting his camp, taking the artifact offerings before the statue of King Laho.  

Onu's Pen

At the northeast edge of the peak, the shaman chieftain Onu the Best Tamer keeps his pens. He has captured and chained an abomination from the peaks summit and attempts to tame it with a bullwhip. The abomination is a fast and powerful adversery, so entering its striking range without a means of controlling it is not wise. On the plus size, the beast does not seem to think too highly of its master.   Royce killed Onu by freeing the abominaiton from its chains and used a whip he obtained from a pirate shaman to capture it.  

Gargoyle Queen Lair

The gargoyles native to the peak nest in caves filled with crystalized deposits of cold phosphorous, which they use to maintain their temperature after long hunts. The Gargoyle Queen patrols the cave, protecting her subjects. However, the gargoyles' vision only extends to the infrared spectrum, making them lose their sight in the areas adjacent to the cold phosphorous crystals.   Itthis assassinated the Gargoyle Queen, using his peoples' cold-blooded physiology to escape her notice entirely.  

Tukai's Forge

At the northwest edge of the peak sits a forge run by a chieftain named Tukai who took up King Laho's efforts to shape Helioschosis bacteria through smithing. He makes hide armors from flayed Gargoyle skin while injecting others with infected Helioschosis from his own body to control them. He managed to infect the gargoyle queen, and calls for her aid whenever his forge is threatened.   Tukai kept a stubbornly rebellious Gargoyle named Shekel prisoner at his forge. More intelligent than most of his kin, Tukai sought to tame him or at the very least study him. But when Itthis slew the gargoyle queen, the Party destroyed Tukai's forge and freed Shekel.


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