
Raina was the Geit Saint of the seas and tides. Ancient Geit paid tribute to her by burning their ships in exchange for favorable currents on their voyages and battles. In life, she was the cheiftain of a prominent clan who specialized in fishing and maritime travel. She joined forces with the other Geit Clans to fight the Shapers and Forger under the banner of the hero Olaf during The Saints' War.   Upon their victory, Raina abandoned her physical body to oversee the seas. Her body took the form of a massive steal prawn and she commanded legions of aquatic shaper constructs that included, Grim Anglers, Reavers, Wave Sentinels, and Tide Fish. She also created many wondrous artifacts to assist her loyal followers in battle, such as the Wave Smasher Hammer, the Naiad Plate, and the Wave Beam.   Raina's godhood ended when her compatriot, Shrike, betrayed the other Saints and attempted to take control of The Forge. While his coup was unsuccessful, during the fighting he created the Shrikevind and scattered the Saints' Geit followers across time. By the time they reemerged on the spheres, Raina and her comrades as well as the rites that sustained them had fallen into legend. Among the modern Geit, her conquest tides had fallen into folk tales--such as the story of her taming Nami the Wave, a killer whale shaped current who refused to obey Raina but whom the saint of the seas reached an accord by having Name agree to only capsize vessels that belonged to enemies of the Geit. While not a wholly factual account, in these myths were grains of truths about Raina taking The Forge with the other Saints.   As fewer and fewer Geit came to pay tribute at The Forge, Raina found herself losing control of her mechanical body. Fearing the havoc she would unleash if she fell into a feral state, she ordered her loyal followers to chain her to her throne. Raina sat in a prison of her own making at the bottom of The Forge for centuries or perhaps millenia. However, the Party encountered her during their ascent of The Forge and finally put her out of her misery, absorbing her powers over the tides back into the Forge Hammer.


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