Chejob Kejak Character in CREATION | World Anvil
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Chejob Kejak

Chejob Kejak is a Sidereal Exalted and the most famous Chosen of Secret.   In the High First Age, he was the one to suggest the Usurpation. After he had convinced the Five Score Fellowship and he has ushered in the greatest ending of the world.   His ruthlessness and conviction was legendary. For many, he alone was the architect of the Solar's downfall.   In the Second Age, Chejob Kejak is perhaps the most powerful person in Yu-Shan, controllable only by the The Celestial Incarna. His purpose now lies in the government of Heaven and Earth, and the continued hunt for all returning Solars and Lunar Exalted.   He is the secret puppeteer behind The Realm, the founder of the All Seeing Eye and the Wyld Hunt, all supplemental organizations to help him control the world.   
Divine Classification
Sidereal Exalted
Aligned Organization

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