Immaculate Order Organization in CREATION | World Anvil
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Immaculate Order

The Immaculate Order is the state religion of The Realm, more formal and organized outgrowth of the Immaculate Faith that originated during the Shogunate Era.   The Immaculate Order grew hand in hand with the Realm, providing theological legitimacy to the rule of the The Scarlet Empress.  
The Immaculate Pholosophy is a talalist, caste-based theology. The central tenet of the faith is that everything in Creation has an assigned role ranked by its ability to control essence. Humans are superior to animals, and the Dragon Blooded are surperior to human due to their higher level of enlightenment.   An individual who lived a virtuous life is consequently reincarnated as a pregressively more powerful essense wielder until they emulate the lives of the Immaculate Dragons, the five heroic Exalted who deposed the dreadful Solar Exalted, known as Anathema.  
The Immaculate Order is a monastic faith, the bsic visible arm of the religions are the Immaculate Monks. The hierarchy within the Order is fixed, at its head the Mouth of Peace, currently the daughter of Mnemon.  
The Sidereals
The true masters of the Immaculate Faith are the Sidereal Exalted. Chejob Kejak in his role as secretary and astrologer to the Mouth of Peace ensures that his pawns are kept on a tight leash.
Religious, Holy Order
Subsidiary Organizations

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