Wyld Hunt Organization in CREATION | World Anvil
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Wyld Hunt

The Wyld Hunt is the term used in The Realm for the parties of experienced Dragon Blooded who are tasked with hunting down and destroying Anathema, such as Solar or Lunar Exalted.   Such party usually contain of at least one member of the Immaculate Order trained in the Order's powerful Martial Art styles, which helped them in their endeavor against the inherently more powerful Celestial Exalted.   They Wyld Hunt was successful of many centuries, hunting down every newly reincarnated Solar in Creation. But since the disappearance of the The Scarlet Empress, the Realm's noble Houses are too fractured to contribute to the Hunt.   Following the return of the Solar Exalted, the Immaculate Order made sure the Hunt is not forgotten and uses the fear of the Anathema to bolster their ranks.  
  • In the second age of sorrow, at least two Wyld Hunt parties were defeated by the hands of Auroponte Dii.
  • In the years since the Usurpation, several of Kagami's reincarnations has been hunted down and murdered by the Wyld Hunt.
  • Founding Date
    Military, Special Operations Force
    Training Level
    Veterancy Level
    Parent Organization

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