Sina Aldarich Character in CREATION | World Anvil
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Sina Aldarich


Eldest and only daughter of House Aldarich by King Draunuin Aldarich, king of Reese and Queen Siclary Aldarich, Princess of Verice. Sister to Harduin Aldarich and Albuin Aldarich  Sina is the embodiment of the virtuous lady of the Hundred Kingdoms. Fair and gentle, she is a delight to anyone who meets her. Her courtesy is extended to all and her kindness makes her beloved by the common folk.    Behind closed doors, Sina suffers under the overbearing and controlling nature of her mother. She loves her brothers dearly, yet is often kept at a distance for being a maiden. To her elder brother Harduin, Sina had a good relationship. To her youngest brother Albuin, Sina feels pity and guilt. She is close with her cousins, the children of Erkenbert.    She has had a crush on Marlekyle of Valka ever since they met. Even now, Sina harbors dreams of becoming his Queen. However, in her youthful vigor, she has entered an affair with Francis Black and has become pregnant by him. Knowing that she could never have this child, she has asked Broken Mask of Forsaken Truth for help and received a potion. 


Family Ties

Divine Classification
Heroic Mortal

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