Albuin Aldarich Character in CREATION | World Anvil
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Albuin Aldarich

Ser Albuin Aldarich

Born as Prince Albuin Aldarich of Reese to the late King Dranuin Of Reese and former Queen Siclary of Verice, Albuin was the second in line for the Reese Throne after his elder brother Harduin Aldarich. Albuin is also the brother of Princess Sina Aldarich.   After Prince Marlekyle of Valka conquered Reese in RY 822, the then six year old Albuin was adopted as the new ruler's ward. Later Albuin became Prince Marlekyle's squire and formed a trusting and loving relationship to his sovereign.   In RY 830, Albuin took part in the conquest of Verice, his mother's homeland. For his valiant deeds during the battle, he was knighted, as the youngest knight of the Hundred Kingdoms. During his stay in Verice, Albuin became enamored with young squire Ferdinant.   Later, he accompanied his brother on the Hunt of Leif Lindeman and was lost. Unbeknowst to all, Albuin Exalted into a Chosen of Ending of the Sidereals during this time.   During the The Curse of Mudsnow, Albuin reappeared under the guise of the squire Yorveth and gave council to Broken Mask of Forsaken Truth, helping him save the northern city.   After the reveal of Albuin's exalted nature, he was imprisoned by Marlekyle in the dungeons of the Sun Fort.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Albuin was born an albino with pale white hair, bone like skin and mismatched eyes of red and violet. Every handsome feature in his face was overshadowed by his ghost like appearance, making many to believe him to be a dark omen.   Well nourished and well trained under the guardianship of Marlekyle, who shielded Albuin from much scrutiny, Albuin grew up to be a healthy and smart young man. Even at the age 15, he already can boast of a firm body with nimble limbs a good sense for balance.   After his exaltation, Albuin has changed dramatically. In his true form, he now appears ethereally enchanted. His pale skin and silvery hair are now of other-worldly beauty, albeit with an air of melancholy about him. His mismatched eyes have become a pale shade of lavender that would burn vibrantly purple when he is channeling essence.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Early life

In his childhood, Albuin was much neglected by his parents. Being an albino, he was often hidden away from sight. Servants and peers would not go near him, believing him to be a cursed.   When he was two years old, Queen Siclary wanted to secretly dispose of her monstrous son, believing him to be evil and bringing shame upon her. She claims that Albuin was cursed by the Wood Witch of Yefel, a blight upon House Aldarich and would one day destroy their legacy.   At the strong protest of Princess Sina, who took the baby and ran into the yard, Prince Harduin stayed Siclary's hand. After this incident, Albuin was sent away to be fostered in the Dukedom Erkenbert. After the Queen vowed not to kill her son, Baby Albuin was returned three years later.   After the conquest of Prince Marlekyle, Albuin was taken in as a ward. He was personally fostered by Marlekyle and was treated better than he was ever at home. At the age of eight, Albuin became Marlekyle's squire. All that he knew of combat and honor, he learned from his foster father and sovereign.   During this time, Albuin because estranged to his mother and came to love Marlekyle like a father.  


In RY 830, Albuin was knighted by Marlekyle, becoming the youngest knight ever in the Hundred Kingdom. Soon after, he followed his brother to find the knight Leif Lindeman.   No details was shared of his hunt. However, according to the accounts of the dead, the Aldarich brothers eventually caught up with the rogue knight. While Leif attacked Harduin, Albuin stood aside. He watched silently as his brother was strangled and cried unseen tears.   Many have asked why he would do such a thing to a brother who had nothing but love for him. Albuin gave no answer.  
It was his time.
— Chosen of Ending


Being born as a curse to his house and raised in neglect, Albuin was always a silent child. He has learned to ignore the whispers of others and often than not seek solitude on his own.   Only after he became Marlekyle's ward did he learn some semblance of social interactions. Serving as squire, he was close to his elder brother Harduin. However, Albuin finds his brother's overprotectiveness an unnecessary burden. To his sister Sina, Albuin had a lukewarm relationship. He feels gratitude towards her for saving his life, but ultimately fails to make any deep emotional connection to her.   Albuin was always haunted, his mismatched red and violet eyes speaking of unvoiced sorrow. Albuin really feels that he was cursed, for he instils in people only bad emotions. Sadness to his father, shame to his mother, guilt to his siblings and pity from his lord.   Where ever he walked, death followed. That brought Albuin to thing that nothing really lasts, for everything is finite. Being lonely, Albuin can and would quickly for a bond to whomever treats him like a normal human being. Although he holds gratitude in his heart for long, his demeanor is never too joyful.   Since his Exaltation and the mentorship by Black Ice Shadow, Albuin has found some balance within himself. He can accept that all the curse he had felt before are the manifestation of his destiny. However, it does not stop him from feeling the doom more amplified than before.




Family Ties

Divine Classification
Sidereal Exalted
Parents (Adopting)
Pale lavender
silvery blond
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations
Before Exaltation: 

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