Siclary Aldarich, Princess of Verice Character in CREATION | World Anvil
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Siclary Aldarich, Princess of Verice

Queen/Lady Siclary of Verice

Daughter of the King of Queen of Verice, princess of the realm. She was married to King Draunuin Aldarich, king of Reese at the age of 15. Two years later, she gave birth to her eldest and first son Harduin Aldarich. Later, she birthed Sina Aldarich and Albuin Aldarich  Siclary is extremely proud and intelligent. Although she was never the greatest beauty, she dominated her peers with her noble birth and the vast wealth of her family. It was said that Princess Sicalry dispised her husband, a man ten years her elder and later in life increasingly obese. However, as a married Queen, she did her duty and provided essential support to her husband's realm.    After the birth of Albuin, Siclary was convinced that the Woodwitch of Yefel has cursed her and her line. To ride herself and her realm of this curse, Siclary attempted to murder her youngest son. It was prevented by the combined effort of her two other children. From there on, her relationship to the king deteriorated.    When he died in RY 822, Queen Siclary surrendered Castle Hadrian to Marlekyle of Valka. Having her children serve the new conqueror, Siclary secured the postition of her family. In the next ten years, she has tried multiple times to gain political influence, to reclaim her home.    In RY 830, she followed her children to the Court of Arfalea, there she again tries to gain political power by marrying her now beautiful daughter to Prince Marlekyle. In her schemes, she had made herself an enemy of Broken Mask of Forsaken Truth. However, it is not in her nature to give up...


Family Ties



Siclary Aldarich, Princess of Verice


Towards Draunuin Aldarich, king of Reese

Draunuin Aldarich, king of Reese


Towards Siclary Aldarich, Princess of Verice

Divine Classification

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