Greentooth's Deal-11/28/23

General Summary

In this session, the party dealt with the aftermath of a poisoning incident involving children in Phandalin. They uncovered that the source was Old Lady Elanor, who turned out to be a fiend named Greentooth. The session involved negotiations with Greentooth and a journey to the Whispering Thicket to confront a coven of hags.

Date and Location

Date of the session: 11/28/23
Location: Phandalin and Whispering Thicket in Kryptgarden Forest




Session Overview

Kjata's Task and Investigation

    • Kjata tasked Leo with scouting for information on Slaughter Lord, an orc encountered in Neverwinter Wood.
Poisoning of the Children Confronting Old Lady Elanor
    • The party learned that Elanor was Greentooth, a fiend who poisoned the children to manipulate Kjata and Hamato into retrieving her magical eye from her former coven.


Key Events

    • Discovery of Poison Source: The party found that the sweet rolls from Elanor were the poison's source.
    • Greentooth's Bargain: Greentooth offered a cure for one child in exchange for the party's assistance in retrieving her eye.
    • Journey to Whispering Thicket: The party traveled to confront the coven and obtained a hexed eye meant to kill Greentooth upon use.

Character Highlights

    • Doctor Hamato's Diligence: He conducted a study on the poison and cure in his lab.


Challenges and Combat

    • The session focused more on investigation and negotiation, with no significant combat encounters.


Loot and Rewards

    • A hexed eye belonging to Greentooth has been obtained.


Cliffhangers and Unsolved Mysteries

    • The fate of the remaining poisoned children and the outcome of the hexed eye remains uncertain.


Next Session Preview

    • The party has insisted on returning the eye unhexed, prompting violence with the coven. Doctor Hamato's ongoing research may also reveal crucial information about the poison and its antidote.


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Memorable momment: Doctor Hamato using Jarith's cleric action figure to light the back of his throat.

In-game time: Eighth-day of the first tenday of Eleint, 1481 DR
(8/9/1481 DR)
Report Date
28 Nov 2023


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