Duke Guaicaipuro

In the 1560s during the birth of Spanish invasion into the region that is now known as Colombia, the Conquistadors came into Muisca territory looking for Gold. They saw the heir to the Cacique cover himself in gold dust and sail out into lake Guaitavita, and the Musica dump offerings of gold into the sacred lake. This ritual would later inspire the legend of El Dorado. During this age of atrocity, the conquistadors murdered Guaicaipuro’s son for a gold bracelet he wore on his wrist.   Before Guaicaipuro could commit suicide the Spaniard Arias Carreño, with a pale face and dead eyes, lifted him out of lake Gautavita. “You owe me a life debt.” Guaicaipuro’s life was changed in an instant. No one knows why Arias turned him, and Guaicaipuro never really asked. A century later, once free of him, he never spoke of his sire again.   Now lord of his former sire’s estate, in Spain, he amassed great wealth and status. Growing bored he became a sort of nomad. Many years later he went to the Island of Ireland. There he met Forliath, who became his traveling companion and eventually his consort. They ruled a small village, and then a county, for many decades.   After many years they heard rumors of a portal in the north that led to a new land. They traveled through and found the land to be very profitable, and abundant. They built up their new estate here and stayed for many years. When they tried to return to Ireland they found that the way was closed. They have been on Shiandria’s Western continent for over eight centuries now. Moving when needed but always building up a strong powerbase. Now they are in the Dawn Lands and creating spawn and familiers to better serve them in their endeavors.   It is rumored that Guaicaipuro may be the oldest Vampire in existence in the Dawn Lands. Many scholars, at least those that actually know the truth of his existence which is few, even surmise that he may be the original sire of all current Vampires.


Duke Guaicaipuro

Spouse (Vital)

Towards Duchess Forlaith



Duchess Forlaith

Spouse (Vital)

Towards Duke Guaicaipuro




The Duke truly loves his dark mistress, it is the only remaining vestiges of his humanity. He seeks to take care of her and protect her at every chance.  Should anyone ever harm her he would lay waste to entire regions in his search for revenge.

Duke Guaicaipuro

Sire (Trivial)

Towards Count Orlock



Count Orlock

Spawn (Vital)

Towards Duke Guaicaipuro




Duke Guaicaipuro is the sire of the vampire that was Count Orlock. Although the Duke cares little for the Count, he cannot abide by his destruction. It was for this reason that the Duke and Duchess traveled to the Village of Sylvanus to find our who destroyed the count.

Duke Guaicaipuro

Peer (Important)

Towards Lich Queen



Lich Queen

Peer (Important)

Towards Duke Guaicaipuro




These two have worked together several times over the last few centuries but do not actually like each other. The Duke sees the Lich Queen as making too much of a scene and dislikes the idea of destroying civilization. It is only the Demon Lord himself that keep these two fighting on the same side.

Duke Guaicaipuro

Superior officer (Trivial)

Towards Thorgrim the Fallen Paladin



Thorgrim the Fallen Paladin

Junior officer (Important)

Towards Duke Guaicaipuro




The Duke admires the warror spirit and history of Thorgrim and even empathizes with having everything taken away only to turn to the dark forces.

Duke Guaicaipuro

Superior officer (Trivial)

Towards Syndri




Subordinate (Important)

Towards Duke Guaicaipuro




The Duke has little respect for this Ranger, he sees him as weak and does not respect him.

Culture: South American/Spanish (originally from Earth)
Class: Elite Vampire (Undead) (former Ranger)
APR: 2 (from dexterity and undead state)
Hit Points: 15
Attack: Saber, Longsword, Dagger, Knife, Club, Stick, Claws, Bite
Shield Use: Can use all shields except tower shield, but usually chooses not to.
Scroll Use: Basic, Arcane, Spirit.
Ghost Talker: Yes


Claws: if you touch a target player with your hands (touch, not punch) and call out claws. You deal 2 pts of damage. This ignores armor and is considered piercing

Bite: If Duke Guaicaipuro touches a target player with hishands (same as above) and call out bite he deals 1 point of damage. This ability Ignores armor. If this 1 pt of damage reduces the player to 0 HP then they are now under the control of Duke Guaicaipuro and are considered an undead lesser vampire. Guaicaipuroalso regains 2 HP.

Bat Transformation: Duke Guaicaipuro may transform into a bat. This allows the duke to cross river obstacles. Although cannot wield weapons while doing this and may only bite or claw for your attacks.

Undead: Duke Guaicaipuro cannot be healed by divine magic, instead takes that amount of damage. Can also be damaged by a holy bolt. Cannot step out into the sun unprotected or onto holy ground
Cannot Cross running water
Regeneration: Duke Guaicaipuro can Heal to max HP at the end of an encounter, or after 1 minute of non combat.

Immune to: Charm, Sleep, Piercing, Backstab

Incredible Strength: Duke Guaicaipuro deals an additional +2 damage with whatever weapon he is using.

Ranger Sword Duel Wielding Skill: Due to his former life as a Ranger, Duke Guaicaipuro is skilled at wielding dual weapons. This means he may also use a weapon in one hand and claw attack with the other, or even ‘bite”.
Neutral Evil
Current Location
Duchess Forlaith (Spouse)

What is an NPC

If you’d like to play, but want to reduce costs, then you can sign up as an NPC or Monster. If you choose to play as an NPC or monster, you may be given a role (perhaps more than one). You can specify a combat or non-combat role. You don’t have to choose a class and culture as an NPC, we will choose one for you. You will receive double experience points, standard starting gold, and are eligible for Royalty Points. You will also get an entry at half price.


Monsters, NPCs, and Staff allow the LARP to run smoothly and help players who don't know exactly what they want to play, or that want to help, and/or need help with discounts to take part in the LARP.

The BIG Difference

between an NPC and an Adventurer is that an NPC’s primary job is to help the story move forward and to help players. NPCs fill jobs like healers, essential townsfolk roles, etc.


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