Thorgrim the Fallen Paladin


Thorgrim originates from a small province to the west, next to the Elvish Forest. Thorgrim went by another name then, but that was during another time and another life. He was a minor noble over his household, caring for his mother and small siblings, and he was a respectable paladin.   A Baron ruled over the province and held peace with a small group of wood elves, located on the other side of a chasm at the edge of the forest. One day, the Baron allowed the wood elves to hold a festival to bring good harvest for his people. It was there that Thorgrim met the Elven Chieftains daughter and immediately fell in love. Over time they got to know each other very well. One day the Barons son, who was a pompous brat and always rude to all those around him, came to the chieftain and demanded the hand of his daughter, who was renowned for her beauty and her singing. The elves held different customs than humans, and he asked his daughter if she wanted to marry the barons son. She claimed to love another while gazing at Thorgrim. The Barons son became aware of this and challenged Thorgrim for her hand. Thorgrim refused but the Barons son charged anyways and Thorgrim disarmed him and unintentionally humiliated him, leaving him face down in themud. The Barons son was enraged, yelling curses and threats before riding off.   Shortly after that the Baron became sick and bedridden, and people started to forget the incident with the Barons son, and no one saw him since. Another week goes by and Thorgrim and the chieftains daughter are to be married. It was their wedding day, and Thorgrims family and the whole elven village were present. As Thorgrim and the Chieftains daughter are getting married, the Barons son rides up with a sizable force behind him. The chieftain demanded an explanation. The Barons son explains his father is now dead and he is the New Baron. He then orders his men to kill the chieftain and bring Thorgrim and the chieftains daughter to him. The now new Baron drives the small group of elves off the cliff and into the chasm. Being a peaceful people and having no weapons,they were helpless. The chieftain protested but was killed. Thorgrim fought valiantly but there were too many of them. He was captured alongside his new bride and the new Baron forced Thorgrim to watch as his family was thrown from the cliff and unspeakable things were done to his wife. His wife was then stabbed and thrown from the cliff as well, followed by Thorgrim last. As Thorgrim lay at the bottom of the chasm broken and dying, he heard a voice call out. The voice offered Thorgrim his life, power, and revenge, but only if Thorgrim took an oath to serve. Thorgrim was able to open his eyes to see a shrine of a horned, winged figure, wielding a wand with a skull atop of it. An alter layed before the shrine with the corpse of his wife lying upon it, and more bodies all about. With the last ounce of Thorgrims strength, he vowed to break all oaths and serve this mysterious being.   Thorgrims life and strength was returned to him. He lifted up his wife’s body, and screaming in pain offered his service. The being instructed Thorgrim to end all life. To darken and desolate all worlds. In his grief, Thorgrim agreed. He felt this being take hold of his soul, binding him. Out from the alter, a plague came forth and inflicted the Barons keep. People began dying and becoming weakened. Allowing time for the plague to take hold,Thorgrim entered into the keep. He mercilessly killed all that he came across. When he finally found the Baron, he revealed himself. It is unknown what exactly Thorgrim did to that man, but it is said that at the now ruined and abandoned keep, you can still hear the Barons screams.   The remainder of the province discovered what Thorgrim had done and exiled him. Now, everywhere Thorgrim goes, he seeks to appease his new masters appetite for death. He took the name Thorgrim but many call him "Oath-Breaker". He now finds company with a group of bandits who have become very useful in helping him please his master.



Soldier (Important)

Towards Thorgrim the Fallen Paladin



Thorgrim the Fallen Paladin

Officer (Important)

Towards Syndri



Orcus the Demon Lord

Master (Trivial)

Towards Thorgrim the Fallen Paladin



Thorgrim the Fallen Paladin

Servant (Vital)

Towards Orcus the Demon Lord



Thorgrim the Fallen Paladin

Soldier (Important)

Towards Lich Queen



Lich Queen

General (Important)

Towards Thorgrim the Fallen Paladin



Duke Guaicaipuro

Superior officer (Trivial)

Towards Thorgrim the Fallen Paladin



Thorgrim the Fallen Paladin

Junior officer (Important)

Towards Duke Guaicaipuro




The Duke admires the warror spirit and history of Thorgrim and even empathizes with having everything taken away only to turn to the dark forces.


CULTURE: Dawn Lander
CLASS: Fallen Paladin
Level: 5th
Armor Allowed: 3
APR (current): 3
Scroll Use: Basic, Spirit
Ghost Talker: Yes
Weapons Allowed: sword and shield, 1 handed mace/hammer and shield (+1), long sword, short sword, dagger, knife, 1 handed mace, handed mace, 1 handed hammer, 2 handed poleaxe, 2 handed spear, glave


Dark Training: Due to Thorgrims constant battle, training, and rage, he has developed outstanding skill with his weapons. Due to this he recieves a +2 damage with his long sword and a +1 damage with all other weapons.
Dawn Militia Training: All Dawn Landers know how to use the 2 handed pole ax and 2 handed spear and glave.
Shield Use: may use all shields except for body/tower shields (if you are Reman you can use body/tower shield).
Drain Energy: if the target is struck they lose 1 hp and the caster gains 1 hp. 3 spells per day. Using this ability, the Necromancer can go above their base HP. Ignore armor but NOT SHIELDS.
Necro Sword: The sword of Thorgrim seeps with deadly necromantic poison. If an opponent is damaged by this sword they have 10 minutes to be cured by a healer or they are reduced to 0 HP.
Plague Immunity: Thorgrim does not take damage from plague areas.
Cause Plague: If Thorgrim touches a target player, NPC, or Monster with his weapon he may choose to do no damage but instead that target is infected with plague. The result of which will dependon the story and theme for the event. This can be used at will and as many times per day as Thorgrim wishes. If this ability is used then no immediate damage is dealt.
Code of Malice: May not ask for mercy.
Death Curse: When a Fallen Paladin is reduced to 0 HP they receive one last action. They issue a curse to a target player. This curse makes it so that the target is instantly reduced to 1 HP and may not be healed until after they are revived from 0 HP, until the next dawn, or after the completion of a special quest. (example: If a player is struck by Death Curse, they are stuck at 1 HP until they die and are resurrected, or until the next morning, or completion of a special quest).
Neutral Evil
Current Residence
Unkown Bandit Camp
Aligned Organization

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If you’d like to play, but want to reduce costs, then you can sign up as an NPC or Monster. If you choose to play as an NPC or monster, you may be given a role (perhaps more than one). You can specify a combat or non-combat role. You don’t have to choose a class and culture as an NPC, we will choose one for you. You will receive double experience points, standard starting gold, and are eligible for Royalty Points. You will also get an entry at half price.


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The BIG Difference

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