Bloodcoast Principalities Organization in Dawnstorm | World Anvil
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Bloodcoast Principalities

The city states of the east coast that were taken by crusading forces in the Reconquest of the East and the crusader barons installed themselves as the rulers of independent cities, turning them into a series of four principalities that formed a loose confederation.

Demography and Population

Population:  360,000


Maintaining very small land forces the knights and men at arms of the principalities each number in the hundreds with each principality only able to commit 400 - 600 troops in a land engagement.   However the principalities all maintain strong naval forces with hundreds of ships and thousands of marines.

Agriculture & Industry

Fishing and whaling is the core of the Bloodcoast's economy, providing most of the east with whale oil.  Given the competitiveness of teritory for the industry there have been multiple wars fought between the cities over fishing and whaling rights to certain territories in the Everwaters.

Trade & Transport

Sevenscore is the only city with access to The Eastway (or any major road), as such it is considered the center of of The Bloodcoast's economy.


With the coast largely lacking bays or inlets to shelter the cities from the worst of the ocean's destructive fury, every city has build enormous artificial bays and seawalls as a protective measure for it's merchant, fishing and naval fleets.
Political, Confederation
Neighboring Nations

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