Eldarheen Organization in Dawnstorm | World Anvil
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Eldarheen is a feudal kingdom in the north-central region of Riela.  Along with it's neighboring allied kingdoms of Erenia and Vannack, the kingdom is rife with political intrigue as the claims on baronies and duchies make an absolutely bewildering spiderweb of titles and succession possibilities through intermarriages, land agreements, trade agreements and international agreements.

Demography and Population

Population 1,100,000


Eldarheen maintains no state army aside from the few hundred men at arms and levies the king can maintain himself.  Instead the army is raised by feudal means through the lords' men at arms and levies.

Foreign Relations

The spiderweb of marriages and claims extend to Erenia and Vannack as well. This causes small conflicts over claims to certain baronies or duchies to be common whenever succession to a position becomes less than clear. Despite their alliance together against Andaria, the kingdoms have fought more wars against eachother than they have against Andaria.   Eldarheen is a founding member of the Rosehold Treaty, first entering into a pact of mutual support against Andaria with Erenia. The Rosehold Treaty expanded to include Vannack and eventually Morilhan.  After the War of The Crowns Eldarheen has had cool and often downright hostile relations with the powerful nation of Andaria.

Agriculture & Industry

Coal is mined from the mountains north of Vessonia and silver is mined from the hills east of the city.   Most of the kingdom is covered in farms, providing a massive amount of food for export to it's neighboring kingdoms to the north and south.

Trade & Transport

The port city of Acrana on The Long Road is the trading hub of the kingdom.  Every day, tons of good move through the port city by sea and by land.   Much of the coal mined is sent south to Erenia, where it is used to make steel.  That steel is then imported back, often in the form of finished goods.


The mines in the regions around Vessonia provide coal and silver.   A road from Vessonia to Acrana provides means of taking these goods to market.   Small keeps and larger castles are common, especially on the border regions as conflict over succession claims are common.
Geopolitical, Kingdom
Government System
Monarchy, Absolute
Power Structure
Feudal state
Major Exports
Silver, Coal, Food
Major Imports
Steel, Horses
Neighboring Nations

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