The Westlands Organization in Dawnstorm | World Anvil
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The Westlands

For several centuries in the 4th Dawn The Westlands were a continuation of the Arkenian Empire under the Western Arkenian Empire.  Over time however the authourity of the Western Emperor declined and the empire was eventually dissolved.  The Prince of Halfmeet cares for the imperial rod, throne and crown in the Halfmeet Palace.   The Westlands today is a large region of city sates, independent duchies and petty kingdoms. Courtly intrigue through diplomacy, trade marriages and assassination is more common than fixed battles as few of the realms within the Westlands have the power to permanently seize territory. Occasionally there will be skirmishes over territorial or trade disputes, however rarely is there any permanent change to the geopolitical borders.  However there are rumours of a descendant of the last emperor rising in Neustrasia with ambitions of reclaiming the crown.


With the decline of the Akenian Empire at the closing of the Third Dawn the West Provinces were slowly abandoned by the imperial administration. With the final fall of the Arkenian Empire in the first year of the Fourth Dawn the cities and regions of Westlands remained politically unified in the Western Arkenian Empire as it escapes the worst ravages of the calamities that destroyed the Arkenian Empire.   The Western Arkenian Empire remained a bastion of strength for a thousand years before succumbing to a decline of centralized authority and officially dissolving in 4560 after the Battle of Eagleborne Bridge.  With it's dissolution, the various petty realms have been largely independent since, with royalty being bestowed by the Western Church of Origins rather than the now non-existent emperor.   The great plague of the 4230s swept the lands of The Westlands in the late years of the decade, killing almost three quarters of the population. The disaster of the Great Plague and the subsequent famines from having nobody to work the fields was the only major event causing borders to shift until the Founding of The Eyrie by Cassius Noxheart centuries later.

Demography and Population

The Westlands, being such a large region is highly diverse in it's population.

Trade & Transport

The Westway stretches from The Long Road all the way through the region, providing an important trade route from the Tradesea to the Everwaters right through the lands.
Political, independent
Power Structure
Autonomous area
Neighboring Nations

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