Umunairu, the Storm Mother Character in Deabros | World Anvil

Umunairu, the Storm Mother

In some regions of the Shezaag and Ranaak Orcs, tribes have taken to worshipping a figure known as the Storm Mother. Though the faith is far less spread out than those of the primary pantheon of Deabros, the Storm Mother's worshippers make significant pilgrimages into the Storm Grasslands.

Discovery of Umunairu

In the year 475, Be'llor Stormcaller and the Volunteers discovered that the Storm Mother was none other than a mythical, possibly divine, beast named "Umunairu". She is a sibling to "Karnaggonn" and "Volthaarius".

Lore of the "Storm Mother"

In the ancient times, when the world was young and the elements were raw and untamed, the Storm Mother, a mighty and enigmatic deity, emerged from the tumultuous embrace of thunder and lightning. She was born from the clash of the heavens and the earth, a force of nature that commanded the storms themselves.   According to the oral traditions of the orc tribes, the Storm Mother was the progenitor of the tempests that swept across the land, shaping mountains with her thunderous roars and carving valleys with her torrential rains. Her power was both awe-inspiring and terrifying, an embodiment of the uncontrollable might of nature.   Legends say that in the time of chaos, when the world was besieged by the wrath of the elements, it was the Storm Mother who brought balance. With her great power, she tamed the unruly winds, guided the lightning bolts, and gave birth to rain that rejuvenated the land. She became a protector of those who sought shelter from the storms, and a fierce guardian of the fragile balance between nature and civilization.   The orc tribes, particularly those dwelling in the rugged Bloodsnow Valley, came to revere the Storm Mother as their guiding deity. They believed that her tempests were both a test of their resilience and a sign of her favor. To show their devotion, the tribes embarked on pilgrimages across treacherous terrains to the Storm Grasslands along the Mother Sea, where the most magnificent thunderstorms were said to manifest.   It was believed that only the blessed pilgrims would witness the full glory of the Storm Mother's power. Amidst the crashing waves and the blinding flashes of lightning, the orcs would stand in awe, feeling the force of the tempest in their very souls. These experiences were seen as a sacred communion with their deity, a chance to feel the raw energy of the Storm Mother and gain her insights.   The Storm Mother's mythology taught the orcs the importance of respecting the wild forces of nature and finding strength in the face of adversity. They believed that the storms were not only a manifestation of her power but also a reminder of the primal forces that shaped the world. Through their worship, the orcs sought to find harmony with the untamed elements and to embrace the challenges that life presented, just as the Storm Mother embraced and controlled the chaos of the storms.   And so, the Storm Mother remained a central figure in the orc tribes' spiritual beliefs, a symbol of both the awe-inspiring beauty and the ferocious power of nature. Her tempests were not just events of nature but sacred manifestations of her divinity, and the pilgrimages to witness them became a cornerstone of the orc's connection to the primal world around them.

Divine Domains

  • Thunder
  • Lightning
  • Storms
  • Nature

Tenets of Faith

Harmony in Chaos. Embrace the Storm as they are the Storm Mother's power and wisdom. Just as lighting and thunder coexist, so too must you seek balance in life.
Renew through Destruction. As the Storm destroys to bring new life, so too shall you.
Respect Nature. The primal forces are power incarnate. They will remind you should you forget.
Adapt. Be as the Storm's clouds, be as the Storm's surging waters.
Be Strong. As the Storm's great wave, crush that which stands in your way.
Protect the Vulnerable. As the Storm Mother blesses us, use your power to protect those in need.
Commune with the Storm. Be one with the sacred Storm for only then can you commune with Her.
Charge the Storm. Respect does not mean fear. Challenge the Storm, face adversity, be changed and grow.
Honor Tradition. The wisdom of our elders passed to us only through the grace of the Mother. Honor Her blessing. Honor the traditions.  

Sinful Acts

  1. Tampering with Natural Storms, Ecosystems, or Natural Elements
  2. Wastefulness
  3. Environmental Destruction
  4. Promoting Chaos
  5. Ignoring Weather Signs

Divine Classification


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