Veilwatch Organization in Deabros | World Anvil


Veilwatch, also known as the Order of the Veil, is an organization in the nation of Keltia dedicated to maintaining balanced judgment, intelligence gathering, and secret operations. It serves Kardaggonn's vision of balanced judgment, focusing on espionage, intelligence, and maintaining the balance between Vesynites and Lenosites.

Oath of the Veilwatch

Under the watchful gaze of Karnaggonn, I stand ready to serve the Order of the Veil. With unwavering resolve, I solemnly vow:

  1. To uphold the balance of light and shadow, embracing both the radiant truths and the hidden mysteries of our world.
  2. To seek out knowledge and understanding, ensuring that the secrets of the judged are recorded with integrity.
  3. To wield my gifts with wisdom and caution, using my abilities to uncover the truth and protect the innocent.
  4. To honor the unity brought forth by Karnaggonn’s Boon, bridging the divide between Vesyna’s darkness and Lonysus’ light.
  5. To remain vigilant and just, always acting in accordance with the highest ideals of the Veilwatch.
  6. To protect my comrades and the realm, using every skill at my disposal to defend against those who threaten our mission.
  7. To act with integrity and courage, never allowing fear or corruption to sway me from my duty.

By the power bestowed upon me by Karnaggonn, I accept this sacred duty. May my actions always reflect the unity, truth, and balance that define the Veilwatch. With this oath, I bind myself to the service of the Veil and the protection of Keltia.



Spymaestero: Communicator of pertinent information to the Chieftain.
Master of Records: Ensures information is accurately documented in Tenma Hall.
Maestero Realmsman: Oversees casters specializing in 'Gifts'.
Maestero Walker: Leader of agents, warriors, and detectives.
Veil Whisperer: Judges the secretive nature of information.
Judges Council: Reviews outcomes of judged souls and ensures adherence to Karnaggonn's Vision. They are the Keepers of the Standard.

Primary Divisions

Speakers: Catalogers of individuals' lives, known as "Radiant Truths".
Realmsmen: Casters who discover and record new ways to manipulate their 'Gifts'.
Whisperers: Scry and record information, following leads from judged souls and living leads.
Veilwalkers: Agents, warriors, detectives, and assassins.
Oaths: New initiates, in training to become full members of the Veilwatch.

Facilities & Operations

Tenma Hall: Central library and records repository for the Veilwatch. Contains the insignia representing the unity of Vesynite and Lenosite beliefs.
Realmsmen Cloister: Located beneath Tenma Hall, where 'Gifts' are studied and practiced.
The Perch: Spymaestero's tower where judgment is converted into usable information.
Barracks and Training Grounds: Facilities where Veilwalkers train and prepare for their missions.


Information Delivery: Routine delivery of information by convoy to the Chief at Port Keltia.
Local Inquiries: Information inquiries, investigations, or interrogations referred to The Veil by uniformed guard leadership when they are unable to resolve issues.
Urgent Messages: Sent via air messenger or delivered personally by the Spymaestero in cases of urgency or by the Chief's specific summons.
Traveling Convoys: Speakers and Realmsmen travel in convoys to share information and perform 'parlour tricks'. Veilwalkers accompany in secrecy to follow up on leads from Whisperers.
Methods: Veilwalkers use any tool available to obtain "Radiant Truths," including theft.


Beliefs & Practices

Worship: Members honor Vesyna and Lonysus, with some honoring Karnaggonn's Boon for its unity. "Dreams" and "Nightmares" are referred to as "Visions." Visions are believed to be received only by the devout.
Evolution of "Veil": The term "Veil" represents the obstruction of what is, moving beyond the concept of darkness and light.

Governmental, Department
Alternative Names
Order of the Veil
Parent Organization


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