Artanar Settlement in Deabros | World Anvil


Artanar, once Veilwatch, emerges as a symbol of resilience and unity on the shores of New Keltia, now simply known as "Keltia" in a poignant tribute to a transformed legacy following the dark events that led to its founding. This coastal settlement, renamed to honor Artain Keltia, a beacon of hope and unity, overlooks the expansive waters of the Leon Sea, reflecting the vision and spirit of its eponymous hero.   Strategically positioned, Artanar is not just a settlement but a crossroads of culture and commerce, linking the rich histories of its diverse inhabitants with the future they aspire to build. Strong trade connections with the Fey nation of Talashan animate its markets and docks, turning Artanar into a bustling hub where the wealth of Deabros's lands is exchanged and celebrated.   The architectural tapestry of Artanar weaves together the distinct heritages of Lenosite, Vesynite, and Keltian cultures, presenting a landscape marked by unity amidst diversity. The settlement's very fabric—its homes, workshops, and public spaces—pays homage to the natural beauty of its setting while echoing the communal and open-hearted ethos of its people.   At the heart of Artanar stands a monument to Artain Keltia, capturing not just the likeness but the essence of a leader whose vision transcended the boundaries of race and creed. This monument is a focal point for the community, a place where celebrations are held, where memories are cherished, and where the principles of peace and mutual prosperity are reaffirmed.   Artanar's vibrancy extends to its bustling docks, where vessels from across the seas bring stories from distant lands and depart laden with the fruits of Keltia's trade. The population here is a mosaic of Keltian dissidents, Lenosites and Vesynites in search of a new beginning, and allies from Talashan, all contributing to a society that values diversity and cooperation.   Despite its foundation on principles of peace, Artanar stands vigilant against external threats, bolstered by defenses that speak to its inhabitants' resolve to protect their home and the ideals it embodies. With defenses manned by Keltians and allies alike, Artanar is a testament to the enduring spirit of its people, ready to face the future with hope and unity, bridging the gap between the turbulent waters of the Leon Sea and the calm promise of the Hope Strait.


Total Population: 1,955
  • Vesynite: 680 (34.78%)
  • Kalashtar: 595 (30.43%)
  • Elf: 170 (8.70%)
  • Dwarf: 136 (6.96%)
  • Gnome: 136 (6.96%)
  • Eladrin: 85 (4.35%)
  • Lenosite: 68 (3.48%)
  • Fairy: 68 (3.48%)
  • Orc: 17 (0.87%)

Guilds and Factions

  • Veilwatch - Order of the Veil - Operates within Tenma Hall (Originally Records Hall)
  • Bounty Guild (Primary) - Keepers of the Old Ways [Hunting, Leatherworking]
  • Fields Guild (Primary) - Farming
  • Alchemist Guild (Primary)
  • Druid Circle (Emissary)
  • Fisherman's Guild (Secondary)
Founding Date
Alternative Name(s)
Inhabitant Demonym
Location under
Deabros Map in 691


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