Clans of Hangard

Clan Bael: Clan Bael is a prominent and populous clan in Hangard, known for their distinct physical appearances as humanoid brown bears. They boast a staggering 36 families, making them the most populous of all the clans. Members of Clan Bael possess an innate affinity for the realm of earth and are skilled practitioners of magicks related to this element, granting them unique powers and abilities.  
  The members of Clan Bael are typically larger and more muscular than their counterparts from other clans, with thick fur that ranges in shades from light brown to dark chestnut. Their powerful build and imposing stature are often seen as symbols of their strength and resilience, which are highly regarded within the clan.     Being deeply connected to the earth, Clan Bael prefers to dwell in areas with rich soil and abundant natural resources. They are commonly found in temperate climates and tend to establish their settlements near forests, mountains, and other areas where their connection to the earth can be fully realized. This preference also plays a significant role in their customs and way of life, as they often live in harmony with the land, nurturing it and benefiting from its bounty.     The government of Clan Bael is built upon a foundation of strong familial ties and respect for tradition. Each of the 36 families is led by a chieftain, who holds considerable authority and responsibility within their family. These chieftains form a council that governs the clan as a whole, deliberating on matters of importance and ensuring the wellbeing of their people.     Clan Bael values hard work, dedication, and loyalty above all else. Their customs and traditions are deeply rooted in their connection to the earth and their respect for the natural world. Ceremonies and rituals often involve offerings to the earth or communing with its spirits, seeking guidance and wisdom.     One such custom is the Rite of Passage, a crucial event in the life of every young Bael. Upon reaching adulthood, they must undertake a journey into the wilderness, during which they are expected to demonstrate their mastery of earth magicks and their ability to survive in the wild. Upon their return, they are recognized as fully-fledged members of the clan and are granted the respect and responsibilities that come with adulthood.     The Bael clan's affinity for earth magicks has also led them to develop advanced agricultural techniques and expertise in craftsmanship. This has allowed them to create thriving communities, with their settlements often becoming centers of trade and commerce.     In summary, Clan Bael is a proud and populous clan, distinguished by their humanoid brown bear appearance and their deep connection to the earth. Their affinity for earth magicks, along with their strong familial bonds and respect for tradition, has shaped their customs and way of life. Through their hard work and dedication, they have built prosperous communities that stand as a testament to their strength and resilience.   The Unbound and the Freewalkers:     The social status of Unbound and Freewalkers in Hangard is indeed unique, as it does not follow the traditional hierarchy established by houses and clans. While they may face the challenges of being outsiders and being excluded from certain aspects of society, their status also allows them to pursue unconventional paths and rise to prominence through sheer talent, determination, and courage.     Throughout Hangard's history, there have been numerous examples of Unbound and Freewalkers who have achieved great heights and earned the admiration and respect of their fellow Hangardians. These individuals have carved out their own destinies, breaking free from the constraints of house and clan affiliations, and have managed to create lasting legacies that still resonate in the annals of Hangard's history.     Some of these notable figures include Queen Ysara the Wise, a Freewalker who rose to prominence through her unmatched wisdom and diplomacy. She was instrumental in brokering peace between warring houses, and her fair and just rule garnered her the loyalty of many who were previously disillusioned with the house and clan system.     Another example is the legendary Unbound mage, Orrin Stormbringer, who mastered the arts of elemental magic and was renowned for his prowess in battle. His skills and bravery earned him the admiration of his peers, and he became a key figure in defending Hangard from external threats.     Yet another inspiring tale is that of the Unbound warrior, Saela the Bold, who, despite her houseless status, became the leader of an elite group of warriors known as the Silver Fangs. Her tactical genius and unwavering courage led her and her warriors to victory in numerous battles, solidifying her place in Hangard's history as a revered hero.     These examples and countless others demonstrate that, in Hangard, one's social status as an Unbound or Freewalker does not necessarily determine their worth or potential. These individuals have proven time and again that with determination, resilience, and a strong sense of purpose, it is possible to defy societal expectations and achieve greatness.     While Unbound and Freewalkers may not have the support and resources of houses and clans, they possess the freedom to forge their own paths and seize opportunities that might otherwise be unavailable to them. This unique social status has allowed them to challenge the status quo and, in some cases, redefine what it means to be a hero, a leader, or a mage in Hangard. In doing so, they have left an indelible mark on the kingdom's history, proving that greatness can be achieved by anyone, regardless of their origins or affiliations.
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