
"The Shadow Puppeteer"   In the Iron Edge Mountains of western Nolavor, Sherman and his twin Gherman were born into the Orog tribe, raised on brutal traditions honoring Talos, the storm god. While Gherman sought escape, Sherman appeared to embrace tribal life, rising to become a respected warrior-shaman. However, beneath this facade, Sherman harbored a secret dissatisfaction that would shape his destiny.   During a covert expedition beyond Orog lands, Sherman encountered Vah, the cunning dark fairy leader of the Sinister Six. Recognizing Sherman's potential and discontent, Vah offered him a path to power and knowledge beyond tribal limits. Intrigued, Sherman began a perilous double life, outwardly devoted to Orog ways while secretly feeding information to the Sinister Six and learning forbidden magics.   News of Gherman's death fighting the Mistwatch in the Kanonos Region jungles reached the Orog, and Sherman volunteered to retrieve his brother's body. This mission, seemingly born of familial duty, was in fact orchestrated by the Sinister Six to extract their valuable agent from the tribe. In the Goliath village where Gherman's body lay, Sherman witnessed a macabre ritual transforming his brother into a sentient "meat puppet."   Fascinated by this dark magic and seeing an opportunity to increase his value to the Sinister Six, Sherman attempted to steal the puppet. His actions provoked his mother, the village's powerful shaman, who cursed him by binding Gherman's puppet and another elf puppet to his arms. This apparent punishment played perfectly into the Sinister Six's plans, providing a cover for Sherman's extraction and granting him unique magical abilities.   The Sinister Six staged an elaborate ruse, making it appear that Sherman had been banished by his mother's teleportation spell gone awry. In reality, they whisked him away to join their ranks officially. Sherman's sudden appearance in an ancient temple dungeon, arms adorned with quarreling meat puppets, was a carefully orchestrated entrance designed to infiltrate the party of adventurers the Sinister Six had been tasked to aid.   Now fully committed to the Sinister Six's mysterious agenda, Sherman must navigate his new reality while leveraging his bizarre curse. As he grapples with his altered identity and the constant bickering of his puppet appendages, Sherman's presence adds an element of dark humor and unpredictability to the unfolding events in Nolavor. His journey of ambition and adaptation continues, with the once-respected Orog shaman now a literal puppet master in the grand schemes of powerful and secretive organizations.


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