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Donte (Don-Tay)

Car Guy. Donte is a very solid member of the core group of survivors from the very beginning. He is a car loving guy, very famous for his driving skills in his all black hellcat sports car. Donte can normally be seen as the trusted driver on missions and using a bat as a melee weapon and a shotgun. Donte is Dash's right hand man. He holds a grudge against Saron because they tend to not get along and claiming that Saron doesn't carry his weight but they also are commonly paired with each other because of Dash bringing them both along on missions. Donte is someone the group relies on for fighting and car expertise.

  • Skills
Donte is a very solid zombie fighter, very capable of holding his own in battle against the dead. Donte weapons of choice is a shotgun and a bat. Very blunt and powerful straight to the point, easy to wield weapons. Although Donte is one of the better zombie fighters within our group, his best skills are behind the wheel. He is a very skilled driver and is always trusted to be the driver on missions. Donte own a SRT Hellcat Sports car that he is deeply fond of. He knows the ins and outs of his car and knows how to fix and mod vehicles. When it comes to car expertise you can reply on Donte. Donte is also pretty athletic, but he isn't the sharpest tool in the shed. He usually relies on others for planning and does his best to play his part.

  Weapons / Loadout
Shotgun & Bat
Shotgun, Pistol & Bat (Ultimate)
Types of Bats
Wooden Bat -> Spiked Wooden Bat -> Metal Bat

Driving, Car Smart, Athletic, Teamplayer, Solid Zombie Fighter.

  • Appearance
Donte is an African American 24yr old man. He has a short clean haircut. 6ft tall athletic slim build.

  • Personality
Fun Facts
  • Donte's Car
Donte's All Black Dodge Charger SRT Hellcat, nicknamed "BOSS" is the main staple vehicle throughout the series. Donte has had this car before the apocalypse started and takes great care of it, Donte constantly makes repairs and modding his car. For example, Donte tinted out all the windows to its darkest setting, which is useful against the zombies and even people. This Hellcat is a 4 door SRT, (modelled by the 2017 edition in real life) which is useful for multiman missions. Donte doesn't let anyone but him drive "BOSS". The Hellcat is shown being driven in high speeds at times and used to kill zombies by running them over or for drive-bys. The car has a sunroof good for active shooting. Donte cares deeply about his car, making sure its in good condition and cleans it regularly. Donte is a very skilled driver, always appointing himself as the driver on missions.
  • Dead Day
  • Before The Apocalypse
Kill Counts


Seasonal Awards

Season 1
Donte and Dash saves Ace and Cole on their first enocounter in season 1
Donte kills his first Tank
Season 2
Donte kills Markice, his first person kill.
Short clean shape up
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Owned Vehicles


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