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Spitter Horde Vs Stone Ridge Part 1

  • Objective/ Main Focal Point
The Main Focal Point of this mission is the Spitter bringing a horde to Stone Ridge. Showing the Spitter’s ability to hunt and how deadly Spitters is. The Objective is to defend Stone Ridge. Stone Ridge vs Spitter Horde. This is a massive battle that I will split into two parts.  

  • Characters
Basically Everyone at Stone Ridge.
Cole, Ace, Dash, Marz, Donte, Saron, Tianna, Drew, Allunah, Moon, Brenda, Stan, Dianna, Jack, Grace, Shia, Selvin, Marz’s Mom, Mr.Scott, Blake, Brook, Doctor, & Death Spirit.

Ace: Assault Rifle & Machete
Cole: Tomahawks & Pistol
Dash: Bow & Dagger
Marz: Rifle & Knife
Tianna: Rifle & Knife
Drew: Assault Rifle
Allunah: Pistol
Dianna: Assault Rifle
Donte: Shotgun & Bat
Saron: Bombs
Stan: Assault Rifle
Mr.Scott: Pistol & Knife
Jack: Assault Rifle & Knife
Brenda: None
Grace: None
Selvin: Pistol
Shia: Pistol & Knife
Marz's Mom: Pistol & Knife
Blake: None
  • Setting
Summer. Middle of the Night, at Stone Ridge. Season 3 Finale
  • Details
Its in the middle of the night at Stone Ridge and most of the whole town is sleep. Pete is still in the infirmary, being treated by the doctor and Jack who been taking shifts. Blake is still in jailed & Stan is on wall duty alongside with a couple others like Selvin who is on gate duty half asleep. The camera then pans out of the town far in the distance away from Stone Ridge. The screen now has a grey tint to it, as it shows a red streamy line going through the streets. The red stream connects to the Spitter who is sniffing the air. The Spitter has been tracking them down! And behind the Spitter is a horde of zombies that is following the Spitter. It then shows Ace asleep in his bed and he seems to be having a nightmare. Ace is being visited by the Death Spirit via nightmare. This is the first time Ace has dealt with the Death Spirit all season.

  Ace's Nightmare with the Death Spirit
It starts to show what is happening in Ace's dream.

Death Spirit: "Hello Ace, long time no see." says The Death Spirit.
Ace is in a dark room and can't figure out where the Death Spirit is. There is bones and skulls pilled up in th corners with dimmed torches on the wall. Ace is spinning around searching for the Death Spirit.

Ace: "Come out you Bitch!" screams Ace.
The Death Spirit appears behind him with a grin on his face and pushes Ace to the floor.

Ace: "God Damn It! What do you want now?!" screams Ace.

The Death Spirit begins to laugh at Ace while Ace is on the ground trying to protect himself with a knife as the Death Spirit stands over him with his scythe.

Death Spirit: "Its been hard to get to you Ace, I bet you enjoyed that haven't you." responds the Death Spirit.
Ace gets to his feet and stares down the Death Spirit.

Ace: "Yeah no shit." responds Ace. "Why are you here?" continues Ace.

Death Spirit: The Death Spirit continues to laugh, "Well that ends tonight Ace, you and your little community friends are in great danger." states the Death Spirit.

Ace: "What? Why you say that?" responds Ace.

Death Spirit: "Because you're luck has ran out and the dead has caught up to all of you, just like it always does." states The Death Spirit.
Ace starts to look worried and lowers his knife.

Ace: "No your just saying that, you don't mean it, your just trying to get in my head just like you always do!" shouts Ace.

The Death Spirit starts laughing hysterically. Ace starts to get angry and takes a swing with his knife at the Death Spirit, fazing right through him.

Death Spirit: "You still haven't learned have you, still using your rage to fight pointless battles! Your still weak, that Death Curse hasn't done you any good." says the Death Spirit.

Ace: "Shut Up Shut Up!" screams Ace. "The curse that you given me, but thats all you can do. You said it yourself, you can't physically kill me or my people." says Ace.
The Death Spirit stops laughing and gets serious.

Death Spirit: "You're right Ace, its not me you should be afraid of tonight." responds the Death Spirit.

Ace: "Tonight? You said that twice now. Why tonight, Why Now?" says Ace. The Death Spirit doesn't respond, instead he sharpens his scythe. "Answer Me!" demands Ace.

Ace starts to hear a voice from outside the dream. Sounds like Dianna telling Ace to wake up. The Death Spirit has a big grin on his face.

Death Spirit: "Looks like its show time Ace, until next time." says The Death Spirit as he starts to fade away into the darkness.

Ace: "WAIT YOU BITCH JUST WAIT!" shouts Ace as he tries to grab the Death Spirit but hes gone. Ace is then woken up by Dianna.
Ace's Nightmare Ends

Dianna is out of breath and holding a gun as a the alarm bells are going off in the background.

Dianna: "Ace! Ace! Wake Up!" shouts Dianna as she is shaking Ace.

Ace begins to wake up as he comes back to reality.
Ace: "What happen?" says Ace as he starts to get out of bed.

Dianna: "The Dead! Its tons of them at our walls!" responds Dianna.

Ace: "What?" responds Ace as they start to rush out the room.

The alarm bells are being rung by Steven as the camera pans over the walls showing a huge horde on the other side of the wall. Stan is standing ontop of the walls as everyone in Stone Ridge makes their way to the walls.

Random Stone Ridge members: "Are we under attack??!" "Whats going on?!"

Mr.Scott begins to grab everyone's attention.
Mr.Scott: "Everyone listen up! There is a horde at our walls! And I'm being told that the horde wraps around the whole town but the majority of them are right here at our front gates!"

Random Stone Ridge Members: "Oh my god! what are we going to do?!" "Are the walls going to hold?!!" shouts randoms.

Stan: "The Walls Will Hold! At Least for the Night!" Ensures Stan.

Tianna, Drew and Allunah begins to head their way ontop of the walls with guns as they start to take position and shoot down at the zombies.

Ace: "SHit, this can't be happening! I have to get up there too." says Ace as he starts to make his way to the ladder.

Cole then grabs Ace's shoulder as Mr.Scott says
Mr.Scott: "No Ace we need you at the town hall."

Ace: "What? Why? The Dead is here! We need to--" shouts Ace as he is then cut off by Cole.

Cole: "No we need to come up with a plan." says Cole.
The camera starts showing Tianna, Allunah and Drew shooting down at the dead as Cole continues to talk...
"They can man the walls, but thats not going to take out all of them, we need a plan." states Cole.

Just then Donte and Dash arrives onto the scene as Donte drifts and comes to a halt in his car. They both hop out the car, Dash carrying his bow.

Mr.Scott: "We are sure the walls will hold overnight but I advise everyone to get a gun just in case the worst happens. We are coming up with a plan right now as we speak! Cole, Ace, Dash and Donte come with me." says Mr.Scott as he heads to the town hall.

As the four of them start making their way out the crowd and to the town hall and you can see Saron standing there watching...

The four of them makes it to the townhall as Marz's mom is there waiting for them. In the meeting room there is Marz, Selvin and Brenda holding her baby Mason. They all instantly start trying to figure out what and why everything is happening.

Marz: "How the fuck did this happen all of a sudden?!" shouts Marz

Selvin: "I- I was manning the gate and I fell asleep. They all just showed up outta no where. I'm sorry this is my fault, if I haven't fell asleep maybe-" says Selvin holding his arm with his head down.

Ace: "HOW Did You Fall Asleep?!" shouts Ace

Selvin: "I been manning the gate all day, I had to again tonight because of the big mission you guys were planning, I guess I got tired. I didn't know-" explains Selvin.

Cole: "Hey its ok, its not your fault. The horde was going to be at our walls no matter if you fell asleep or not." Says Cole as he puts his hand on Selvin's shoulder.

Brenda also wraps her arm around Selvin as she gives Ace a mean look.

Mr.Scott: "Your right, Selvin did step up to take Tianna's overnight gate shift due to her being apart of the mission tommorrow. Thanks for the information Selvin, your free to go." Says Mr.Scott

Brenda walks Selvin out the room as Selvin holds his head down on his way out.

Marz's Mom: "Is it true that the horde wraps around the whole town?"

Mr.Scott: "Yeah thats what Stan said, but the majority of them are at the main entrance."

Dash: "So all of those deadones just gathered at our walls unprovoked? Something just ain't right." questions Dash.

Marz: "Whats the plan here?"

Donte: "Its going to take till morning to kill all of them." says Donte

Marz's Mom: "We don't have enough ammo to kill all of those things." states Marz's Mom

Cole: "Yeah and if we keep shooting more is going to come." says Cole

Donte: "Fuck your right." says Donte

Marz: "Well we can't just sit here and do nothing!" shouts Marz

Cole: "There has to be another way."

At this moment Ace is remebering what the Death Spirit was saying in his nightmare.

Death Spirit: "You and your little community friends are in great danger. You're luck has ran out and the dead has caught up to all of you, just like it always does." Echoing in Ace's head as Ace grows more fustrated by the second.

Ace: "I'm going to kill them all! You hear me?! Even if I have to drag each one of them by their heads back to the grave." Shouts Ace.

Marz: "We just said we don't have the firepower for all of those deadheads out there, you fucking bonehead." responds Marz

Ace: "I don't care, I'll go outside the walls with this Machete if I have to god damnit" responds Ace as he pulls out his machete.

Everyone starts shaking their head no and looking at Ace as if hes crazy.

Dash: "Here he goes again, man Ace you are really something else brah." says Dash as he puts his hand on his face and shakes his head no.

Marz: "Is this how he responds to everything? Like What The Fuck?" says Marz.

Mr.Scott: "Listen Ace, I can't just let you go out there to fight the horde by yourself. You really think thats going to work?"

Everyone is staring at Ace as he is clenching his machete. Dash still face palming, shots going off in the background from Tianna, Drew and Allunah from ontop of the walls. Panic is spreading. Then Cole comes up with an idea.

Cole "Wait, Ace might be onto something." starts Cole

Marz: "Huh?"

Marz's Mom: "Really?"

Donte: "No way, Cole agreeing with Ace. We might be doomed after all." says Donte

Cole: "Yes Really."

Ace is shocked to hear this from Cole, who usually disagrees with all of Ace's plans.

Mr.Scott: "Elaborate on that."

Cole: "Well I only agree with one part of what he said.... We have to drag them away...." states Cole

The scene then cuts to Grace as she walks up to the walls, curious of the danger on the other side. She can hear all the zombies growling and people shooting nearby. She puts her hand on the walls and can feel the zombies banging on the otherside but Grace isn't afraid. Meanwhile her father Jack is in the infirmary with the doctor and researcher Jones treating Pete's injuries. All three of them are dead tired because they been at this since Pete arrived. Then Dianna walks in carrying a AR   Dianna: "You guys awake? Theres a horde at our walls." states Dianna

Jones: "Yeah we been told, I have to get a look at it myself for my research." starts Jones

Jack has just taken a break to sit down as he looks out the window looking at all the commotion.

Jack: "I should go, I need to see if my daughter is ok. Shes probably scared out her mind right now." says Jack.

Doctor: "Thats fine, go check on her and the others. Maybe when you come back you'll have some good news for us." responds Doc

Jones: "Right, we can handle this for now."

Jack: "Thanks, I won't be long ok." says Jack as he rushes out the door.

While Jack heads out you can hear Dianna speaking in the background...
Dianna: "ugh you guys still haven't got rid of that smell huh? Hand me some gloves, is there anything I can do?"....

Meanwhile at the walls Tianna, Drew and Alluanh have been shooting at the zombies but it seems to have little to no effect.

Tianna: "Ugh this isn't working, there are too many of them."

Allunah: "Feels like I went through two clips and we haven't even made a dent." says Allunah while she wipes sweat off her face.

Drew: "Mr.Scott, Cole and them are coming up with a plan right now. We have to be strong for now so that the our people don't get too scared and start panicking."

Tianna: "Yeah but-" starts Tianna but is then cut off by Drew

Drew: "But nothing, Stan said the walls will hold. Just keep shooting, even if it takes till morning, until we get told otherwise ok. We keep fighting" says Drew as he continues to shoot.
Tianna just stares at Drew as the scene cuts to Stan.

Stan is standing ontop of the walls with a pair of binoculars looking at the horde.

Stan: "God Damn its like a whole sea of these freaks. Its so dark out here I can't see where the horde ends. They're everywhere." states Stan.

Behind Stan, Saron has struggled but made his way up a ladder to get ontop of the wall while carrying a bag with his one bad arm. Saron stuggles to get ontop.

Saron: "Woah, it really is that bad." says Saron as he walks up next to Stan

Stan: "Shit, they are going to run out of ammo soon. Where the hell is some more ammo?! I told them to bring the ammo to Drew, what the fuck are they doing?!" shouts Stan as he starts pointing at the people below, directing them to Drew and Tianna. "Brook isn't the only one that can bring ammo! Make yourself useful and grab ammo!" shout Stan at the random people below.

Saron: "'hmph I have something better than ammo" says Saron as he opens up his bag and smile.

Back at the Townhall Cole is explaining a plan he just came up with.

Cole: "We have to lure the dead away from the walls, away from Stone Ridge." states Cole.

Mr.Scott: "Well how do you suggest we do that?"

Cole: "Someone has to go out there, grab their attention and walk them away."

Marz's Mom: "What thats suicide! No way."

Ace: "I'll do it, I'm not scared of those freaks. It has to be me-" says Ace but is then cut off by Cole.

Cole: "Wait let me finish first. When the person goes out there they must disguise themselves as the dead, allowing them to move along with them without being attacked."

Dash: "Oh shit, just like that day with met Tianna and them at the department store." adds Dash.

Donte: "Your a fucking genius Cole, for a second there I thought you might've lost it."

Mr.Scott: "Cole you really think this could work? I mean that sounds very dangerous for a one man job."

Ace: "I don't care, I'll take the risk. I'll make it work-" goes Ace but is then cut off by Marz.

Marz: "Maybe more than just one person should go, I mean its a huge horde out there, I doubt one person can grab all of their attention."

Dash: "Yeah at the department store both Cole and Saron did it."

Cole: "Ace and I will go. That way if things get bad out there we will have each others backs." says Cole as he looks at Ace.

Marz's Mom: "Ok but where are you going? How are you going to get back?"

Cole: "We can go to that shopping center we already looted clean, I'm sure that place can hold most of them there."

Marz's Mom: "But thats like 4 miles out, you guys are going to walk that far in the dark with all these deadones??"

Dash: "Donte and I can pick you up there, we'll give you 2 hours tops and we'll be on our way."

Donte: "Yeah I just modded my car so that it can be silent, they dead won't hear me coming."

Marz: "What about me? What can I do to help?" ask Marz

Cole: "I need you and the rest of our good shooters ontop of the walls protecting us incase the dead catches on, but until then no shooting. Matter of fact we should probably stop shooting now."

Mr.Scott: "Wait you want to do this now?"

Cole: "No lets wait till morning, its too dark out now so it will be easy to lose track of each other."

Marz's Mom: "I don't know this sounds extremely risky, I mean what if they all don't follow and we still have half the horde here."

Ace: "Then we'll do it again and again if we have to." states Ace
Everyone starts looking at Ace while he continues to talk.
Ace: "I will get rid of all of those damn deadones, even if its the last thing I do! I promise you guys that on my life. I won't back down, I won't let the dead win." says Ace.

Cole: We will, we all will. This is a group effort after all." adds Cole as he step next to Ace as the stand shoulder to shoulder facing everyone in the room.

Mr.Scott: "Marz tell the people at the wall to cease fire, tell them we'll be out there soon to explain the plan while we go over the minor details." says Mr.Scott

Marz: "Ok." says Marz

Mr.Scott: "Stan been overseeing the walls, maybe he has an idea of how many deadones we are dealing with."

Marz: "Right, I'll speak to him too."

Mr.Scott: "We'll be out there to speak to everyone in a few." says Mr.Scott as Marz makes his exit.

Marz rushes out the town hall and sees Brenda holding onto her baby Mason.

Brenda: "You guys figured something out?"

Marz: "Yeah"

Brenda: "And Ace? Did he calm down?"

Marz: "Your brother is crazy but he means good, he and Cole will be carrying out the mission to get rid of the dead."

Brenda: "Wait just the two of them?? But there has to be hundreds of deadones out there"

Marz: "We'll explain everything soon, just hold on for now."

Brenda: "Ugh but Ace... I just wish he wasn't so mean to Selvin. I can't stand when he does that."

Marz: "Talk to him when this is all over, I have to let the people at the walls know. See ya." says Marz as he makes his way to the wall.

Blake overhears Marz's and Brenda's conversation from his cell where hes been placed for the past couple weeks. Blake is sitting there on the bench bed staring at the ground with his eyes wide open.

Meanwhile Jack has ran to his home looking for his daughter Grace but can't find her, due to Grace being at the walls. Jack starts asking random people where Grace is but due to the panic nobody has an answer for him. Jack continues to look for Grace. Also at the infirmary the Doctor and Jones are still looking after Pete. Back at the walls Marz makes it to Tianna, Drew, Allunah and Brook.

Marz: "Drew! Tianna! Stop Shooting! We came up with a plan!" shouts Marz

Brook: "Does the plan include us not killing the dead? Because thats what we are doing." responds Brook.

Marz: "Mr.Scott will be out here in a few to explain the plan to everyone, but for now we must stop shooting." says Marz as he makes his way up the wall from the ladder.

They stop shooting and turn to Marz.
Tianna: "This better be a good plan because this wasn't doing much anyway."

Allunah: "Yeah it feels like I killed a couple dozen of them and there is still too many of them."

Marz: "Where is Stan? You think he has an idea how many there are?" asks Marz

Drew: "Yeah hes over there with Saron, hes been scouting them out and-" says Drew but is then cut off by Marz.

Marz: "Saron?? What the fuck is he doing up here?"

Bombs start going off, loud enough for everyone in the town to hear. The people in the townhall rush out the building trying to figure out whats going on.

Ace: "What The Hell Was THat?!" shouts Ace as he makes it out the building first.

Cole: "Don't tell me thats--" goes Cole

The scene then show Saron standing ontop of the wall carrying bombs!

Cole: "SARON?!"

Saron has thrown two bombs at the horde killing a dozen or more deadones, leaving a dent in the horde in a matter of seconds.

Saron: "HA YES! The Bombs Work!! Take That You Stinking Deadheads!" shouts Saron starts firing up another bomb.

Cole: "NO! Who told him to? Where did Saron even get bombs?!" shouts Cole

Ace: "That fucking idiot thinks a few bombs are going to work?! He is stupider than I am."

Saron throws another bomb and then another one.

Dash: "Hold on that shit just might be working." says Dash.

Cole: "No we have to stop him! There is no way he has enough bombs to take out all of them. If all the dead in the city isn't here now they will be after hearing those bombs go off!" states Cole. They all start rushing to the walls.

The scene cuts back to Marz, Tianna and them ontop of the walls. They can see the damage Saron is doing to the zombies from where they are standing although they are ways away from Saron who is also ontop of the walls.

Drew: "Oh shit hes actually killing a ton of them at once." says Drew
Within the horde there are now 4 big holes of dead zombies that have been bombed by Saron.
Tianna: "Is this apart of the plan?! There is no way Cole came up with this plan."

Marz: "No absolutely not. What the fuck does that idiot think hes doing?!" Shouts Marz as he start rushing across the wall to reach Saron with his rifle in hand.
Tianna tries to go with Marz but Drew grabs and stops her.

The Scene cuts back to Saron.
Stan: "Saron! Saron!" shouts Stan
Saron is too focused on firing up a bomb, he then sees a blotter coming up against the wall directly below where he is standing

Saron: "oh you fathead I don't need one of my bombs to make you go boom now do I hahaha" laughs Saron as he grabs two more bombs placing them in his bad arm and starts flicking a lighter to ignite them.

Stan: "Saron WHere the Hell did you get those Bombs?! Whatever! Just keep the walls Out the Blast Radius!" Shouts Stan. Stan then begins to monologe in his head
Stan: "It looks like the bombs are working but if one of those bombs hit the walls then-" Says Stan in his head but is then cut off by Marz screaming in the distance.

Saron is in the middle of throwing two more bombs but is then stop by Marz yelling at him from across the wall.

Marz: "STOPP!" Shouts Marz as he is sprinting to Saron.

Saron: "Huh?" goes Saron

But Then out of no where two tanks within the horde come rushing! Charging and crashing into the wall below where Saron is standing!! Causing Saron to fall and drop both bombs off the edge. One on the inside of the wall and one on the outside of the wall and landing directly infront of the blotter. The Blotter looks at the bomb as it falls right by its feet. With both bombs being lit Saron knew the mistake he just made.

Saron: "Oh shit..." goes Saron right before the bombs go off

The bombs go off directly on the walls and thanks to the blotter extra explosive power caused the walls to break!! Leaving a huge breach in the wall from top to bottom!! Everyone is in shock as they see the wall crumbles down and the dead making their way in. Everything slows down as the camera shows the breach in the wall from the inside, starts zooming in to the breach as the zombies start coming through and scans through the horde on the otherside of the wall till the camera finds the Spitter as it seems to crack a smile and show teeth as the acid drips from its mouth.
The Episode Ends There as the rest of the Spitter Attack continues in the next and last Episode of the Season.

  • Results
Thanks to Saron the walls at Stone Ridge has been breached and the Spitter Horde is making its way into the community. Now The Real Battle Begins. Do The Survivors stand strong and fight off the dead or do they retreat? One thing for sure the Spitter Attack has just gotten hell of a lot dangerous and deadly.
Find out what happens next here -> Spitter Horde Vs Stone Ridge Part 2

  Zombie Kills
Tianna, Drew and Allunah kills a few dozen normal zombies themselves from ontop of the wall as their intial stance of defending Stone Ridge. Saron then kill a bunch more normal zombies with his bombs and killing a bloatter too.


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