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It took over a year for the virus to develop into something even more deadlier than before. Spitters are zombies that have acid like vomit built up in its stomach. They are able to spit it at their target with extreme accuracy. If this vomit hits you it will burn straight through your clothes and through your skin. With enough vomit this acid like substance can burn through metal, so imagine what it does to the human body. If you are lucky enough to survive an encounter with a Spitter, make sure you don’t have any vomit on you or on anything with you because these Spitters are able to track down their vomit, similar to how Komodo Dragons work. At times they will literally hit their target and stop pursuing on purpose because they know they can just track you down. The worst part about a Spitter tracking you down is that other zombies will follow a Spitter on the hunt. Spitters tend to stay at one post so when they are on the move sniffing the air other zombies take notice and follow. So by time the Spitter finds you, it has brought a Horde with it. Best thing to do is to not get hit by the vomit but if that has already happened, take out the Spitter before you go home. Long range weapons are recommended because getting close is just more of a chance to get hit by the vomit. More on Spitters, the vomit is black, Spitters tend to have the vomit dripping from the mouth so it's easy to differentiate from other zombies. Spitters tend to be in high places to have a great view and range, like on rooftops. Spitters for some reason have a leaping ability, allowing them to scale cars & small buildings. Spitters are very likely to kill & eat a target they have hit with their vomit, they are very precise and devoted to this. One last thing about the acid like vomit, the vomit will burn through your skin causing a stench. So if for some reason you are tough enough to get hit and not scream, the smell of your burning skin is enough to alert zombies close enough to smell you. So hiding isn’t a good idea when you have a Spitter’s vomit on you. Spitters are also stingy about their food, they can be seen fighting off other zombies for their catch and sometimes taking their food to high places to feed. Some zombies get it and some don’t and for the ones that don’t they will get smacked by the Spitter. Spitters are created by the virus getting stronger over time, more than a year. Zombies were feeding and feeding and after a while some zombies started puking up their food, their puke got so bad the bacteria started to get acidic. Spitters tend to move quite slowly , some have hunched backs and if you are in the area of a Spitter you may find vomit or burned spots around. We believe Spitters are all aggressive or at least we haven't seen one act more or less aggressive or have redder or duller eyes.  


  The Spitter Attack 

  Spitter Horde Vs Stone Ridge Part 1
  Spitter Horde Vs Stone Ridge Part 2
  Spitter Horde Vs Stone Ridge Part 3


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