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The Spitter Attack

  • Objective/ Main Focal Point
This is the first sighting of a Spitter, I want to show how creepy & deadly Spitters can be. Also how unprepared the survivors are to new dangers. Separating the Spitter Attack into two parts to explain what happens in depth. Part 1 shows how dangerous a Spitter can be initially & how the survivors respond to the first attack of a Spitter.

  • Characters
Cole, Ace, Dash, Marz, Pete & Dianna
Cole: Tomahawks & Pistol
Ace: Assault Rifle, Machete & Knife
Dash: Bow & Dagger
Marz: Rifle, Pistol & Knife
Dianna: Assault Rifle & Knife
Pete: Pistol & Pipe

  • Setting
Chill Summer Afternoon, Outside a Hardware Store (Home Depot)
  • Details
After a successful mission of getting supplies (maybe from a home depot of some sort), the crew is heading to the cars to head home. They seem to be exiting from the back of the building, there are no dead ones in sight. The crew is having a light hearted conversation probably led by Ace & Dianna while heading to cars carrying supplies. The camera is showing a view of them walking away from the building from behind and you can see the feet of something on the roof appear. Then out of nowhere Pete gets hit in the back by the Spitter’s vomit! Burning through his clothes and burning his skin. Pete lets out a very loud scream while dropping a box of supplies onto the floor. Everyone turns around to see the Spitter standing on top of the building. The Spitter is hunched over with its arms dangling in front of it, as black vomit/drool spills from its mouth, dripping down to its feet and starting to leak off the roof onto the floor below. Everyone is in shock from the new sighting of a Spitter.

  Dianna: “PETE!!” Yells Dianna as Pete falls to the ground in pain, Dianna starts reaching to help.

Marz: “What The Hell Is That Thing?!” shouts Marz.

The camera pans from everyone looking at the Spitter to Pete on the ground in pain with acid on his back, then to Ace as he raises his gun (AR) to shoot at the Spitter. But as soon as Ace gets his aim locked on, the Spitter spits his vomit at Ace. Ace is forced to dodge and lose his shot causing him to miss the Spitter and hit the wall and window as the windows burst. Ace manages to get out of the way of the acid like vomit that hits the floor where Ace was standing. The Spitter is about to spit up some more vomit but then is shot by an arrow from Dash who is off screen. The Spitter falls backwards, out of sight on top of the roof from the arrow.

Marz: "Holy Fuck!" Shouts Marz.

Ace: “Did you get it?!’ says Ace.

Dash: “Yeah” responses Dash.

Everyone then rushes to Pete’s aid. Pete’s back is burning up from the Spitter’s vomit.

Cole: “Pete! Pete, can you stand?!” asks Cole.
Pete shakes his head no, as he is lying on the ground on his chest, he is in too much pain to talk. The injuries look very bad.

Dash is looking back over at the direction where the Spitter was standing. Pete is trying to hold in his screams and grunting but the pain is too much. Pete continues to scream and few dead ones start to appear.

Marz: “We have to get out of here.” says Marz.
Ace starts taking out some of the dead ones with his assault rifle.

Cole: “Ok help me get him up.” says Cole. Cole & Marz start helping Pete get on his feet.

Dianna: “Be careful, don’t touch that stuff on his back.” says Dianna.

Marz & Cole gets Pete to his feet and start carrying him to the cars ahead. Dianna and Ace starts to run ahead to the truck, there isn’t many deadones but Ace shoots at a few to clear the path. Marz notices Dash still standing there looking back at the rooftop.

Marz: "Dash! Lets go before the dead gets here!" says Marz.

Dash: "Right." responds Dash as he puts his bow away and picks up the box of supplies Pete dropped.

They are moving as quickly as possible. The crew gets into two cars, Cole & Marz puts Pete in the backseat of the truck, hops in & heads off as zombies start to crowd.
*The scene ends here*

*Next Scene*
The crew is returning home at Stone Ridge.

Dianna: “Pete is hurt!” Yells Dianna from the passenger side of the car Ace is driving, as they pull up to the gate in two cars.

Selvin on gate duty is opening up the gate as fast as possible, as Stan signals people to come help. People start rushing over. They jump out of the cars quickly.

Marz's Mom: “What Happened?” asks Marz’s mom.

Marz: “Pete he got hit by…” says Marz.

Mr.Scott: “By what?!” asks Mr. Scott. They open up the backseat door and sees the horrific scar and acid on Pete’s back. “Oh my god, how? what is that?!” asks Mr. Scott. Everyone is shocked to see the injury on Pete.

Doctor: “We need to get him to the infirmary now.” says the doctor.

Cole: “Ok but make sure you don’t touch the stuff on his back.” says Cole, as Jack comes in to help Pete to his feet. Cole and Jack starts carrying Pete to the infirmary as the doctor leads the way.

Dianna: "I'm coming too." adds Dianna as she follows behind them.

Random Stone Ridge Member: “What was that?” asks random.

Marz's Mom: “Is everyone else ok?” asks Marz's Mom, as she grabs Marz checking for scars. Marz pulls away.

Marz: "I'm fine" says Marz as he seems to be getting irritated.

Random Stone Ridge Members: “Is Pete going to be ok?” "Whats going to happen to him?" "Is Pete going to turn?" everyone starts asking questions as confusion and worry starts to brew.

Mr.Scott: “Everyone calm down!” shouts Mr. Scott “Everyone on the mission come with me to the town hall now, we need to get to the bottom of this.”

*next scene*
The Doctor rushes in the infirmary followed by Cole and Jack carrying Pete and the Dianna as she helps Doc make space for Pete to lay down on a bed.

Doctor: "Place Pete here, Dianna grab some gloves and open the blinds so we can get some light." says Doc as Cole amd Jack put Pete on the bed.

Dianna opens up the blinds on the window and grabs the box of gloves while Doc puts on a face mask and gets a good look at Pete's scars on his back. Cole and Jack takes a step back from Pete as they are also taking a look at Pete's scars.

Jack: "Oh Man that does not look good." says Jack

Doc and Dianna starts putting on gloves and Doc slowly touches Pete's upperback close to the scar. Instantly Pete lets out a scream.

Pete: "AHHHahh" shouts Pete in pain.

Dianna: "Don't touch it! That stuff on his back is really bad." says Dianna.

Jack: "Oh damn that smell." says Jack as he starts covering his nose. "Its like its a sick burning skin."

Doctor: "Your right, thats exactly what it smells and looks like... Its burning his skin." says the Doc.

Pete lets out another scream, he is in intense pain.
Pete: "AhhhAH"

Doctor: "What happened out there?" asks Doc as he looks at Cole.

Cole is about to speak but is then cut off by Tianna who just entered the room.

Tianna: "Cole, Dianna we need you in the town hall now! Mr.Scott wants everyone on the mission to report what happened to Pete." demands Tianna

Dianna: "Cole go, I'll explain everything to Doc. Doc is going to need some assistance here if we are going to save Pete." says Dianna.

Tianna: "Ok thats fine, but Cole, Mr.Scott needs you now."

Cole nods his head yes.
Cole: "Right, good luck you guys." says Cole and he rushes out with Tianna.

*Next scene*
The survivors are in the Town Hall discussing what happened, these survivors are Mr. Scott, Cole, Ace, Marz, Dash, Marz’s mom, Tianna & Drew. They are crowded around a large oval table as they are in a heated disscusion about what happened to Pete.

Mr.Scott: “So Pete wasn’t bitten, the thing spat out acid?” asked Mr. Scott.

Cole: “I know it sounds unbelievable but Yes” response Cole.

Marz's Mom: “And Dash killed it? Are you sure you killed it?” asked Marz Mom.

Dash: “Yeah but..” says Dash.

Mr.Scott: “But what?” asks Mr. Scott.

Dash: “I mean I’m pretty sure I got it, I shot it with my arrow and it didn’t get back up..” says Dash.

Tianna: “Well Did you double check?!” interrupts Tianna.

Dash: “It was on the roof how the fuck was I supposed to check?!” shouts Dash.

Tianna: “How was it on the roof?!” shouts Tianna.

Marz: “How are we supposed to know that? It surprised attacked us!” shouts Marz.

Cole: “Ok Ok calm down. Everything happened so fast, we prioritized Pete’s injuries and we got out of there as soon as possible” says Cole.

Mr.Scott: Mr. Scott takes a deep breath and says “You guys did the right thing, your safety is the more important.”

Marz's Mom: “I agree.” adds Marz's Mom.

Mr.Scott: “But..” starts Mr. Scott.

Dash: “Ugh there is always a but.” says Dash as he rolls his eyes, crosses his arms and leans back in his chair.

Mr.Scott: “But we have to go back and confirm the kill, we have to learn more.” says Mr. Scott.

Marz: “Learn more? For what if its dead!?” shouts Marz as he slams his hand on the table.  

Mr.Scott: “Because what if there are more out there, we got to know more.” says Mr. Scott.
The camera switches to the scene of the Spitter accident while Mr. Scott talks. "We need to know what that thing is before we run into it again." continues Mr. Scott.
The camera pans over the roof of the building the Spitter was on top of but there is no Spitter, just a vomit of mess that burned a hole into the roof.
"Cole your leading this mission, we need to know if its dead and we need intel." Says Mr. Scott. The camera switches back to the survivors.

Cole: "The place is probably crawling with deadones now after what happened." states Cole.

Ace: "Count me in." says Ace.

Tianna: "I'm coming too" says Tianna.

Drew: "Yeah me too" says Drew.

Mr. Scott and Cole looks at Marz & Dash, they both nod their heads yes while Dash sighs.

Cole: "Ok then its settled," says Cole as he checks his watch. "Its going to be late soon and we can't find anything in the dark, so the mission will be first thing in the morning." says Cole.

Marz's Mom: "Ok but wait has anyone thought about if there are more of those things in that area?" asks Marz's Mom. "Then what?".

The camera switches back to the building where the Spitter is at. The Spitter is shown walking slowly away from the area with an arrow going through its chest and poking out the back, with deadones surrounding around it, as it sniffs the air.

Ace: "Well that's simple" adds Ace. *sniff sniff sniff* goes the Spitter as other deadones take notice. "Then we kill all those damned deadones to hell." finishes Ace with a smile on his face.
*Andddd end scene*

  *Next Scene*
The people in the town hall start heading out the room now that the meeting is over. Dash gets up out his chair to walk out the door but he then reaches in his back pocket and feels the knife he found on the mission. As Dash takes the knife out, he remebers he & Cole found that strange car with the burned hole going through it.

Dash: "Oh Shit, I almost forgot." says Dash.
Ace, Cole, Marz and Tianna stops walking and turns to look at Dash.

Marz: "Almost forgot what?" asks Marz.

Dash: "Cole remeber that car with the strange hole going through it?..." says Dash.

Cole: "You're right, I bet that has something to do with that deadone." Says Cole.

Tianna: "Wait, you found what??" says Tianna.

Dash: "There was this car in the parking lot that had this huge hole going straight through the roof, car seat and the car floor." says Dash.

Marz: "Thats what you guys were looking at when I called ya over huh?" says Marz.

Dash: "Yeah"

Mr.Scott: "So let me get this straight, there was a car with a hole from top to bottom and you guys think that deadone did it?"

Cole: "Its possible, we never seen anything like that before and then that deadone showed up. This can't be a coincidence." states Cole.

Dash: "Shitt, if the acid is strong enough to burn right through a car clean like that... man we should go check on Pete." says Dash.

Marz's Mom: "Sounds like we're dealing with something completely out the ordinary here."

Tianna: "I'm still trying to figure out how it got onto the roof, you think it can climb up there?"

Drew: "Man anything is possible now, all we can do is prepare for the worst and be sharp when we get there." starts Drew as he begins to head for the door. "I'm going to set up everything we need tonight in the armory and hit the bed early. I'll see you guys bright and early tommorrow." states Drew as he takes his exit.

Ace: "Me too, it might be a bloodbath tommorrow but let it be the dead's blood and not ours. That thing will pay for what it did to Pete if it isn't dead already." says Ace as he leaves the room.

Mr.Scott: "I'll be there to send you guys off in the morning. Thank you all for coming."
The camera switches to Ace as he is walking out the room and through the hallways of the townhall as he hears Mr.Scott talking in the background.
Mr.Scott: "Everyone get a good nights sleep tonight, we need you guys sharp and ready when you get there alright." states Mr.Scott.
As the scene ends by the camera zooms into Ace's face...

  • Results
Pete has gotten hit by the Spitter’s vomit and is in critical condition. The Doctor is doing what he can to heal Pete’s wounds but the Spitter is tracking the scent of Pete and is on its way with a horde of deadones to Stone Ridge.

  Find out what happens next -> Spitter Horde Vs Stone Ridge Part 1

    Zombie Kills
Because this is just the intial fight with the Spitter, there isn't really any zombies kills other than Ace killing a few zombies while they rush to the cars to escape. Dash shot down the Spitter out of sight with his bow but didnt kill it.
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