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Heart of Vecna

The Heart of Vecna is an ancient, blackened, still-beating heart. The heart is said to have been cut out by the Circle of Eight long ago, and is rumored to be Vecna's plan of escape from The Burning Peaks.


Attunement to the Heart of Vecna is unlike the Eye or Hand of Vecna, in that the user does not need to remove their own heart to attune to this item. Instead the Heart slowly forms over the user's heart, eventually consuming it and replacing it fully.


Once the Heart has found a new user, the following properties become available to them:
  • Should the user drop to 0 hit points, they automatically succeed on 1 Death Saving Throw.
A depiction of the Heart of Vecna.
Item type
Unique Artifact
Vecna (previously)
Cullen (previously)


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