Sunya Republic

The Sunya Republic, often simply Sunya or The Republic, is the second-largest Nation, situated across two largely separated landmasses and connected by culture. The Republic is a homeland to the Humanoid races that don't find their birthplace in Khthon, which ends up including the Dwarves and Gnomes. Though perhaps this isn't much racial diversity, something can certainly be said for just how abundant these two races are, and Sunya is certainly not hurting for a higher population. Sunya is a place of mining and building, and the Dwarves and Gnomes are just the people to do it.   Sunya is a place of extreme hills, mountains, and vast wetlands. Essentially the entire Nation exists simply due to situating its borders within the high mountain peaks that surround them. These natural barriers are extremely important for keeping the hostile forces of The Wilderlands out, but is also the most inhabited lands of Sunya, as its people feel most at home with the rough mountain breeze on their skin and the familiarity of hard rock beneath them. They tunnel and build amongst the vast mountain ranges, coming to create what can only be described as the greatest transportation system on all of Deoryüm, as it covers essentially the entire Nation in underground tunnels and high catwalks. This makes Sunya an absolute economic powerhouse, as its inter-connectivity makes it a prime destination for trade and commerce. This paired with its proximity to wealthy Nations such as Leukos and Khthon makes Sunya a force to be reckoned with.   Sunyan culture is admittedly quite simple. If it's relating to the Dwarves or Gnomes as a species, it's part of Sunyan culture. This includes a heavy emphasis on drinking, caving, handicrafts, manufacturing, and the like. Giant festivals are common, as the Dwarves will find any excuse to party with a good drink, and competitions are everywhere, as the Gnomes are a very competitive race, always seeking to one up another outside of their workshops. This makes travel somewhat jolting, of course, as many other races can't quite relate, but it's certainly still a spectacle to see.   The capital of Sunya, Screaefvelli, is a city that will surprise many, as it is actually completely underground. It is essentially a central hub for all the tunnels and mines that stretch across Sunya, even including a giant tunnel that goes beneath the ocean straight separating the two disconnected halves of Sunya. This, of course, means that the two halves are not quite disconnected at all, making the city a prime candidate for economic and cultural importance. So, after careful deliberation, the Council of the Sunyan Republic designated Screaefvelli their capital, and establish a base of operations that has skyrocketed Sunya to being one of the most influential Nations that currently exists.
Geopolitical, Republic