Holy Bastille of Leukos

The Holy Bastille of Leukos, often simply referred to as Leukos, is the world-renowned home of magic and all things of an arcane nature. It is the land of the gods, forever in worship of The High Order and ever subservient to the wisest council the world could ever know. Largely recognized as a homeland to High Elves, Wood Elves, Half-Elves, and the inherently wise Loxodon, Leukos is also home to the strongest racial discrimination and wealth inequality the 10 Nations have ever recognized.   As devout worshipers of Leukos - Light, the lands of Leukos are seen as blessed and holy, shining with an ever-present divine light. Not even the distinct chill of the air could pierce the skin of the devout, and those native to Leukos consider themselves just as holy as the rough taigas they walk amongst. Also an island nation, Leukos is a place of considerable isolation and low travel, though its proximity to both Sunya and Gebrocha make for easy and extremely profitable trade routes. What they can't obtain in honest money from Sunya, Gebrocha is always right next door offering a few less...respectable means of wealth accumulation.   The culture of Leukos is almost completely based on its people's strong deital connection and distinct desire to worship those above, notably Leukos of The High Order. After all, if the location is named after the god, there damn better be some magnificent festivals honoring his grace and luminosity. The citizens of Leukos base their entire society on the movement of the sky and the suns, both of which they believe are domains of Leukos.   Luc, a landlocked urban magnificence built on the foundations of the Ley Lines, is the national capital of Leukos. Similar to Khthon's Gransbury, Luc is a city that is described as always active and never sleeping, as the population to physical area is so compact that it's practically a given that some species would find comfort in the darker times when the Elven Enforcers aren't quite as active aboveground. But either way, the natives of Luc are proud of their Theocratic capital with its high towers and peaks built from magestone and divine sand.
Geopolitical, Theocracy