Desdemona Bátoriová

Desdemona Bátoriová (a.k.a. The Lady in Red, The Lady of Blood)

Desdemona Bátoriová is a Vampirim with the appearance of a beautiful Human female. Like other Daemorim, Desdemona Bátoriová is thoroughly evil, thriving on the blood of her victims, which gives her the power she requires to perform the illusionary and enthrallment magic she uses to attract other victims.   Desdemona Bátoriová makes her abode deep in the ancient catacombs beneath Old Daskar Castle in Daskar. She hibernates in the crypt of a long-dead Daskari noble, one of her first Human victims. She still remembers him, tall and very handsome. Their trysts were passionate and wild - until she killed him, draining all of the life from his body. For many years, he was her undead servant until even her necromantic magic could not sustain his body, and he was truly dead.   Like other Vampirim, Desdemona Bátoriová abhors strong sunlight and never ventures outdoors until after the sun has set. After sunset, she often takes the form of a cat or bat to search for a victim. Many of her victims are young men she finds and seduces at the taverns and food stalls of Middleton Market, but she also targets young women as well.   Desdemona Bátoriová is aligned with the Safirim Thalatte. She has contact with leaders of the Cathedral of Thalatte in Daskar, who occasionaly provide her with victims. Those victims sometimes willingly submit to her. She also has contact with the Eidolon of Revenant in Isolabirre, Dhathridh Gowriat'Siltevelar and the other members of the organization. She provides them reagents for casting necromantic spells in exchange for Drow Elvirim victims, which she finds especially intriguing and satisfying.

Physical Description

Body Features

Like other Vampirim, Desdemona Bátoriová, though she looks like a tall and slender Human female, is exceedingly strong, much stronger than most Humans. She is also quick and agile.

Facial Features

Desdemona Bátoriová's facial features, though sharp and somewhat severe, are considered quite beautiful by most people.

Special abilities

Desdemona Bátoriová has all of the abilities of Vampirim to shapeshift and cast spells of illusion, enchantment, or necromancy, as well as their physical strength, quickness, and resistance to magic.

Apparel & Accessories

Desdemona Bátoriová favors blood-red silk for her clothes and jewelry, which gives her one of her nicknames, "The Lady in Red."

Specialized Equipment

Desdemona Bátoriová carries a fine steel dagger hidden in her clothing at most times; though, she rarely ever has to use it. When physically challenged, she usually shapeshifts to bat form and flies away.


Contacts & Relations

Desdemona Bátoriová has contact with the leaders of the The Cathedral of Thalatte and to Revenant. The Eidolon of Revenant, Dhathridh Gowriat'Siltevelar, consults with her on occasion and obtains reagents (body parts, etc.) for necromantic spells from her in exchange for Drow Elvirim victims. Dhathridh Gowriat'Siltevelar obtains the Drow victims from among the commoners of Isolabirre without the knowledge of Sazzok Tygowriat'Zaquarn or the members of Obsidian, who would certainly kill her should they ever find out.

Wealth & Financial state

Over the centuries, Desdemona Bátoriová has accumulated a significant amount of treasure of gold and precious items from her victims. As she has little use for it, except for some gold she uses to buy clothing and jewelry (while shapeshifted to look like a normal Human woman), much of it lies ignored in chests and scattered around loose in the crypt where she makes her abode. Of course, she never takes anything made of silver.
Desdemona Bátoriová, a Vampirim
Desdemona Bátoriová, a Vampirim by Peter Nelson (Zero Sum Games)
Desdemona Bátoriová
Dark grey-brown
Long, straight with some waves, dark brown
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale white, flawless
5'11" (180 cm)
110 lbs. (49.9 kg)

Cover image: by Peter Nelson (Zero Sum Games)


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