Red Gate Association

The Red Gate Association is a confederation of merchants and guilds in Senyon that provides protection, loans, and other services to members. It is based in Sendoshi, but has branch offices in cities, towns, and villages throughout Senyon.   The Red Gate Association was set up and is backed by Senyon's Ministry of Imperial Security and Household to oppose the influential and corrupt Sea and Mountain Society. It has had some success, but the Sea and Mountain Society has infiltrated and controls trade in much of Senyon. Rooting it out is not easy.


The Red Gate Society is nominally headed by Khorichar Tabudai, a prominent merchant whose family was originally from the Great Eastern Steppe Kingdom and is related to the Chagan. As Steppe People are often looked down on by the Senmanne (and by Azmasanmanne, though less so), Tabudai has worked hard to overcome prejudice to earn his position. He was originally a silversmith, but now spends most of his time overseeing the Red Gate Society. He works closely with Six and the Ministry of Imperial Security and Household. Within the major cities of Senyon, the Red Gate Society has members among the guilds and merchants, and one of the senior merchants or guildmasters serves as the head of the Society in that city and liases with Tabudai and with the other guildmasters and merchants of the city. In smaller towns and villages, the arrangement is similar.   The Red Gate Society is in constant conflict with the Sea and Mountain Society, either covertly or openly. Because the Sea and Mountain Society is a criminal organization that employs ruthless tactics, even up to mass murder, the Red Gate Society answers in kind. Within the Red Gate Society is a smaller secret organization of thugs and assassins known as Black Seal that carries out covert assassinations against prominent members of the Sea and Mountain Society, as well as, on occassion, open gang warfare. Little is known about Black Seal. Who heads it, how many members it has, even where it is based are all unknown, and most people are smart enough not to ask.

Public Agenda

Publicly, the Red Gate Association exists to assist merchants and guilds with their business operations through loans, training, providing contacts, and so on.
Alternative Names
Haka Mer Sostehe
Related Species
Related Ethnicities

Cover image: by Peter Nelson (Zero Sum Games)
Character flag image: Seal of the Red Gate Association by Peter Nelson (Zero Sum Games)


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