
A Shisharrim, literally a "Messenger," is a type of Balim tasked with bringing Eia’au's will and messages to beings of Derkomai, most especially Elvirim. The Shisharrim are not servants of the Safirim.

Basic Information


As a type of Balim, the Shisharrim may appear in any form they need or desire. Most often when appearing to Elvirim, Humans, or other sentient species, they take the form of an androgynous female with enormous wings, like those of the angelic beings depicted in old drawings and paintings. They are said to be blindingly white, glowing like a white-hot furnace. No one knows what their actual form is, and in fact, their "native" form may be incorporeal.

Genetics and Reproduction

Shisarrim are immortal beings and thus, most believe that they do not reproduce.


The Shisharrim do whatever Eia’au tasks them to do and nothing else. If a Shisharrim even exists when it is not accomplishing a task for Eia'au is a question debated by Elvirim theologians.

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

What senses and perceptual abilities the Shisharrim have is unknown. The stories of encounters with them say that they are able to see, hear, and speak. Beyond that, nothing is known.

Civilization and Culture

Common Myths and Legends

Among the Elvirim, there is a well-known myth that says that elder Elvirim are visited by a Shisharrim known as Cirihtafëa (the Harvester of Souls) that escorts the soul of the Elvirim in the Presence of Eia'Au. Most Elvirim believe the myth to be true; though, there are no reliable reports of any living Elvirim seeing the Cirihtafëa.
A Shisharrim, a Balim messenger angel of Eia'au
Shisharrim by Peter Nelson (Zero Sum Games)
A Shisharrim, a messenger angel of Eia'au
Genetic Ancestor(s)

Cover image: by Peter Nelson (Zero Sum Games)


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