Tachibana Castle

On Tachibana Point, on the northern shores of Daskar Lok, across West Bay from Citadel Larssen is beautiful Tachibana Castle.   Constructed on what was formerly known as West Point on the site of an ancient keep, Tachibana Castle was built after King Haakan Larssen defeated the Emir of Daskar at the Battle of Daskar. After securing the city and, with the blessing of his father-in-law, Lord-Mayor Tachibana Jang Hideo, declaring the establishment of the country of Sudland, King Haakan deeded the lands of the former West Point to the Tachibana family in perpetuity and renamed the land "Tachibana Point." Lord-Mayor Tachibana Jang Hideo then proceeded to construct Tachibana Castle in an ancient traditional style and architecture. Construction of the castle, outbuildings, gardens, and other structures on the grounds of the castle employed hundreds of workers and took over 20 years, but the results were spectacular.   Considered one of the most beautiful and comfortable buildings in Sudland and in the entire world, surrounded by beautiful flower gardens and flowering cherry, apricot, and plum trees, Tachibana Castle is a favorite of the royal and noble women of Sudland. Queen Tatsu Tachibana Larssen, Princess Masako Tachibana Larssen, and Dowager Queen Tamiko Tachibana Larssen often hold events at Tachibana Castle and frequently reside there for days at a time, preferring to live there, rather than the more severe fortress, Citadel Larssen. The sun rising in the east over Daskar Lok in the morning is said to be very beautiful.   The Sisters of Daskar are headquartered at Tachibana Castle and hold their meetings in the castle. The funds of the Sisters are stored in a locked and guarded underground treasury within the castle. Only Queen Tatsu and Baroness Anne Tachibana Meiling have keys to the treasury.   There are some ruins from the ancient keep still remaining on the outskirts of the castle ground. Rumors of underground dungeons beneath the ruins are told among the commoners of Daskar. No one has been able to locate any entrance to those dungeons, if they exist.

Purpose / Function

Tachibana Castle serves as the seat of the Tachibana family (whose ancestral home is Southport) at Daskar.


Tachibana Castle was designed and constructed using a traditional architectural style and ancient techniques. No nails or other metal fasteners were used to build it; rather, ancient methods of wood joinery hold the pieces of the wooden frame, walls, and roof together. It is built atop a cut stone foundation and has several underground chambers and dungeons, including cells for holding prisoners (unused at the present) and treasuries. The roof is covered in heavy, gray slate tiles.


Castle Tachibana is surrounded by water on three sides. It is only accessible over land from the northwest, and that access is protected by a tall wrought-iron fence. There is a single wooden gate protected by a watch tower and a contingent of guards. When Queen Tatsu Tachibana Larssen or other royal or noble women or girls are in residence (which is virtually all the time), all boys and men are forbidden from entering the grounds, and it is guarded by the Royal Escorts of the Southern Star. Entering the grounds of the castle without permission is a very grave offense, which can carry a death sentence depending on the circumstances.
Founding Date
CR 5750 to CR 5771
Parent Location
Ruling/Owning Rank
The city of Daskar, capital of Sudland.

Cover image: by Peter Nelson (Zero Sum Games)


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