The Sisters of Daskar

Late in her life, Kelini Daskar founded the Sisters of Daskar, an organization that was based on the Sisters of Chennai that she and other young women founded in her home city, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India many years before she and her family boarded the generation/hibernation ship Terra Nova on Earth and traveled to Derkomai.   For over 200 years, the Sisters of Daskar assisted the poor and treated the sick and injured of Daskar. The need was great. The first years after The Fall from the Stars were traumatic. Many of the first Human settlers were injured, many were afflicted with the mental illness that came to be known as The Death of Hope, and many nearly starved. Under the tutelage of Kelini Daskar, many of the early members of the Sisters became Agapyel Healers, treating those most seriously injured and traumatized, healing without the need for medicines or bandages.   As the Human settlement now known as Daskar stabilized and began growing, the Sisters continued to care for the poor, sick, and injured, but over time, the number of Sisters began to decline, and eventually the organization was disbanded. The number of Agapyel Healers in and around Daskar declined as well.   After King Haakan Larssen defeated the Emir of Daskar at the Battle of Daskar, officials of the new Sudland government began exploring old ruins in Daskar, digging through ancient records, researching the early days of the city. Few records survived the centuries, and much that did was unreliable, but one of the relatively complete ancient volumes that was found was called "The Charter and By-Laws of the Sisters of Daskar." The explorers had the work translated by scholars, and the translation was presented to King Einar Tachibana Larssen and Queen Tatsu Tachibana Larssen. Excited by the writings of the ancient book, Queen Tatsu was granted permission by King Einar to re-found the Sisters of Daskar. She now serves as its head, with her best friend and cousin, Baroness Anne Tachibana Meiling handling day-to-day affairs and administration of the organization. The organization is headquartered in Tachibana Castle. Many of the royal and noble women and girls are members of the Sisters of Daskar, as it is considered a way to enhance their status with the Queen and royal family. Princess Masako Tachibana Larssen is a notable exception. She considers it beneath her station to work with commoners.


The Sisters of Daskar organization is headed by Queen Tatsu Tachibana Larssen, assisted by Baroness Anne Tachibana Meiling, her cousin and best friend. Baroness Anne handles most of the everyday affairs of the Sisters. The Sisters of Daskar now have about 100 members.

Public Agenda

Although the original Sisters of Daskar devoted most of their time to healing of the sick and injured and had many Agapyel Healers as members, the current Sisters of Daskar devote most of their efforts to helping the poor of the city. Agapyel Healers are very rare in the present day, and there are none that are members of the Sisters now.


The Sisters of Daskar, being sponsored, organized, and run by Queen Tatsu Tachibana Larssen and the Royal Family of the Kingdom of Sudland is very well funded. Many thousands of Dorla are stored in its treasury within Tachibana Castle.
Founding Date
Originally founded in year 58 of the Common Reckoning. Refounded in 5797 CR.
Alternative Names
The Sisters
Leader Title
The Sisters of Daskar transact their business using the official currency of Sudland, the Dorla.
Related Species
Related Ethnicities

Cover image: by Peter Nelson (Zero Sum Games)


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