

Kotannar was established as the permanent colony station in orbit of Jupiter under the name Jupiter Station 3 (1 and 2 were temporary living solutions) as a residence for miners, freighters, and others of that ilk that would harvest the planet's resources. After The Great Storm, the station was thought to be lost as it did not have enough resources to self sustain for more than a couple years. This was proven wrong when years later contact was made with the Vruxari Empire, which had spread from their one orbital colony to 8 more major cities with hundreds of minor stations as well.


People of the Vruxari Empire see the original colony of Kotannar as a holy site, each Vruxari citizen being obligated to make the pilgrimage there once roughly every 7 Earth months. They make this journey as well each time a child is born, to dedicate them to the church of Vruxar. Upon, arrival, acolytes will enter a small private quarters (often times one of the station's now vacant housing sectors) where they remain for 20 hours of prayer. During this period they consume no food or water and must light a new stick of incense at the turn of each hour to memorialize the initial 20 hour period of darkness and panic sustained by the original inhabitants of the station when the The Great Storm  began.
Founding Date
Alternative Name(s)
Jupiter Station 3
Orbital, Station
Inhabitant Demonym
Location under
Owning Organization


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