Vruxari Empire (Vruck-s-arr)

The Flag: The Vruxari flag consists of one dark central circle, representing the one imperial house that leads the empire, surrounded by a ring of connected irregular circles that demonstrate the 8 great houses that help govern the Vruxari civilization, each from their home moon in orbit of Jupiter. The orange and pastel yellow of the flags background simply pay homage to the colors of their holy planet, with the sharp angles demonstrating the Vruxari tendency to cut intruders than encroach upon her godly orbit.

Tenets of Faith

People of the Vruxari Empire see the original colony of Kotannar as a holy site, each Vruxari citizen being obligated to make the pilgrimage there once roughly every 7 Earth months. They make this journey as well each time a child is born, to dedicate them to the church of Vruxar. Upon, arrival, acolytes will enter a small private quarters (often times one of the station's now vacant housing sectors) where they remain for 20 hours of prayer. During this period they consume no food or water and must light a new stick of incense at the turn of each hour to memorialize the initial 20 hour period of darkness and panic sustained by the original inhabitants of the station when the The Great Storm  began.   Vruxari seem to hold the beleif that they are superior to the people of other nations, though it is unclear weather they see this as purely for religious reasons, or for cultural and racial reason as well. As such, they beleive that anyone not of Jovian descent is not allowed to see their bare face, and wear many things to obscure the visage, from translucent veils to opaque masks. In addition, it is considered a desecration akin to rape for an outsider to make physical contact with a Vruxari, and such actions are punished harshly in their territory.


High Acolytes serve as priests in Vruxari cathedrals, many of them never leaving these holy sites for the entire lives except to travel between churches. While most Vruxari wear veils to obfuscate their faces, High Acolytes wear reflective helmets that don't allow any features of their underlying faces to be seen underneath, as it is considered a desaceation to do so. These Acolytes do not just sit around praying all day, though they do a signifact amount of that as well, instead training their mind and bodies to be in peak physical condition as an act of deduction to the holy planet (Jupiter).  
Founding Date
Geopolitical, Empire
Vruxari or Jovian
Government System
Monarchy, Constitutional
Controlled Territories


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