Montonmo-Class Freighter (Mon-t-on-m-oh)

Power Generation

12 massive solar panels (4) arrayed around the permiter of the crew ring can power the ship directly in addition to charging the vessel's internal batteries. The panels can be raised (shown) or lowered to be flush with the tops of the storage containers to decrease ship profile. This is done when docking or go decrease the craft's cross-section when being attacked to prevent excess damage.


The primary thuster (6) is located to the rear of the craft and is capable of propelling it to very fast speed to speed up the delivery of its cargo. Around halfway through every journey the large singular retro-thruster (1) begins to burn and slow the vessel down to proper docking speeds. Internal fuel tanks power both thrusters, but extra fuel can be stored in the ships liquid storage containers (5) for longer journeys where it is capable of being injected through direct lines to both thrusters. Both the front and back primary thusters have radiator panels to expel heat as well as docking rods for interfacing with New Earth Global Alliance stations. Directional thrusters (2), of which there are 8 (4 behind each primary thuster), can coarse correct without major adjustment of the ship's orientation as well as guide the ship in for docking procedures.

Additional & auxiliary systems

Of course the primary purpose of these ships is to transport various liquids across vast expanses of space via their affixed containers (5). Due to the typically long periods of time these ships spend traversing the void, a constantly spinning gravity ring (3) is located near the front of the ship. This makes life more normal for the crew as they can walk around inside the ring as if there was regular gravity, since the crewmen are typically from Earth and not as acclimated to zero gravity environments.
Creation Date
2172 AD
Owning Organization
124 currently in service
190.518 meters (625.06 feet)
244.445 meters (801.99 feet)
190.518 meters (625.06 feet)
Unloaded: 982.52 tons
Fully Loaded: 211,527 tons
31,650 m/s (70,800 mph) cruising speed
36,970 m/s (82,700 mph) max speed
Cargo & Passenger Capacity
210,544 tons


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