Red War

Named not just for the color of the planet it occurred on, the name of the Red War also denotes the tragic amounts of blood spilled onto the Martian soil.

The Conflict


After PANGEA's influence was entirely cut off during the Great Storm, several years passed before people began to assume that contact would never be reestablished. At first there was great joy and celebration, as many saw the former government as evil and oppressive. It quickly became clear, however, that anarchy would quickly lead to the crumbling of all civilization on Mars, and individuals scrambled to create a new governmental system. Of course, no unanimous decision was reached, and the two largest new governments quickly raised armies and tensions rose and went to war over their irreconcilable disagreements. While several other sides to the war were wiped out entirely or assimilated by one group or the other, the two largest ended up fighting to a bloody standstill where it became clear that the war had to be stopped before the population of Mars could never fully recover.


The first major large scale conflict on Mars, the Red War saw combat on land, sea, sky, and even space, often simultaneously.

The Engagement

Conflict Type
Battlefield Type
Start Date
Ending Date
Conflict Result
The fracturing of Mars into 2 main countries


The Religious and Political Freedom Fighters

Led by

People’s Collectivization Movement


1,344,684 men   1,727 armored vehicles   142 aircraft   52 naval ships   67 spacecraft
1,956,684 men   1,895 armored vehicles   102 aircraft   86 naval ships   47 spacecraft


233,324 men   268 armored vehicles   43 aircraft   21 naval ships   23 spacecraft
329,419 men   514 armored vehicles   28 aircraft   55 naval ships   26 spacecraft


Abolish the oppressive PANGEA imposed laws suppressing things like religious liberty and freedom of speech.
To create a society where the people have far more power and are treated more equally, with the less fortunate and povert stricken being provided for instead of abandoned as they would be under PANGEA's rule.


  • Mars


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