The lands of this world. Mountains, Rivers, Valleys, Cities and Landmarks.
House Corvus's Library of the Seventh Crow is the most mysterious building in Deus.
Lumié, the City of Light, is the most technologically advanced city in Deus.
With shifting winds, floating islands, and constantly swirling sands, the Sea of Air is nearly impossible to navigate.
With intense heat rising from its lava depths, the Sea of Fire is hostile to all foreign life.
While not technically an Elemental Sea, the ice cap between the Seas of Air and Water is commonly referred to as the Sea of Ice.
The Sea of Land comprises a set of barren, mountainous continents mirroring the form of Deus.
The Sunset Coyote is an inn in Verresel that caters to students of the local wizards' college who find themselves locked out of its gate at night.
The Unknown Sea is the largest and deepest body of water in all of Deus, with no mapped land.