Bay of Sleepers

The Bay of Sleepers is a mysterious and serene location on the edge of the vast swamp that borders the foreboding mountains of the Godless Lands. Its waters are dark and reflective, mirroring the often grey, overcast skies above, creating an atmosphere of quiet introspection and haunting beauty. The bay is encircled by thick mists that roll in from the swamp, enveloping the area in a soft, ghostly veil that seems to whisper of forgotten tales and secrets.  
  The shoreline is a mix of soft, sandy beaches and jagged, rocky outcrops where ancient trees cling, their gnarled roots exposed, as if trying to escape the water's embrace. Behind the beach, the land rises gently at first, then more steeply to meet the dense, shadowy forest that serves as a threshold to the mountains beyond.   The Bay of Sleepers is named for the old legends claiming it to be a resting place for dormant entities—ancient protectors of the land said to slumber in the deep, awaiting a time of great need to awaken. The eerie calm of the bay and the occasional, unexplained ripples on the water surface lend credence to these myths, making it a place of both wariness and wonder.

Cover image: by DALLE
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