Undying Queendom

The Undying Queendom is a name that stuck to the inner circle of Anara's court. It consists of her loyal protectors, elite agents wielding their skills for secretive missions, and favored guests who have earned her royal recognition.   As for the intricate workings of her court, I'd love to know and tell you more, but alas, it is a place shrouded in mystery, known only to the Queen's closest confidantes. Unless you are a part of that inner circle, diving the depths of its secrets is nigh impossible. I gleaned but superficial tidbits, gathered from official pronouncements, court audiences, and the occasional lucky soul who has borne witness to it.   Wardress of Lay. Let me tell you of the Wardresses of Lay, the Queen's personal guardians, fierce warrior women who've been allowed to undergo the same immortalization process as their mighty ruler. Only the most loyal and steadfast were deemed worthy of this honor. These ladies appear like oversized pixies, tinged with a hint of demonic grace. Still, they bear an elegance that hints at the human forms they once held. Rooted deep within them is the power of the Roots of Life, granting them abilities far beyond the reach of mere mortals. They mend grievous wounds as if they were mere scratches, wield magic as naturally as they breathe, and twist the very essence of spells around them as if it were child's play. One can't help but wonder if they see the world through the same eyes as we do.   Champions of Lay. In the dim corners, you will find the Champions of Lay, the remnants of those who survived the process perfected for the Queen. Though perhaps not as gracefully as the Wardresses. Some say they are kept as captives deep within the castle, test subjects for the Queen's experiments. Their powers are volatile, but that doesn't make them any less dangerous.   The Undying Queen Anara. Then there is the Undying Queen herself, Anara. The Wardresses pale in her shadow. She received doses of the Roots of Life in measures too great to fathom over centuries too numerous to count. She stands as a true immortal and the ultimate wielder of this potent force. Some of Dragsan folks even whisper that she is a goddess as old as the world itself, but the records speak of an age not quite as ancient. She's surely old, almost as old as the very Dragsa. Yet, her years don't quite surpass the elders of the elven kind. But, friends, let me tell you, after hearing tell of her battles, I can see why folks might mistake her for a deity. On the battlefield, she's like death incarnate, slicing and dicing her foes with a colossal halberd and showering distant enemies with emerald spears of pure energy. Her presence alone is a weight that crushes weaker souls. It is not a metaphor, lads and lasses; her magical aura is so intense, not all can stand in her presence.   The Rest of the Court. Beyond these enigmatic figures, one can find the Queen's personal agents and esteemed guests. During my stay, one particular guest left a markā€”the harshlooking, robust, and fierce Princess Ker'ubo. A distant ally of the Queen, from what I gathered. Her reputation in Anara's eyes seemed to be built upon a foundation of both wit and strength, although rumors leaned more toward the latter. Going by the whispers around her, Princess Ker'ubo had engaged in a brutal power struggle for the throne against her own siblings, with the tales surrounding her ascent insinuating quite a lot of bloodshed.
Court, Royal
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Articles under Undying Queendom

Cover image: by DALLE


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